Beginner's success : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

For the beginning lurkers, I assembled the equipment needed*, read and re-read Carr's book sections, and in 90 minutes this morning slowly (awkwardly and impercisely) went through the process and my first image transfer was wonderful. First, I made a couple 'straight' prints from slide to the 669 film to just get the feel of the Daylab 35, exposure controls, cropping (somewhat possible by moving the slide holder around). Then I followed the image transfer process and was astounded at the results.

I didn't wear gloves and experienced a painful headache with a bitter taste in my mouth, which I suspect is from the caustic chemicals. Wear gloves.

The most difficult part was opening the damn watercolor paper container, which is stuck together with French road tar.

Thanks to KTC, Mark's website,, and to Cherie Lester, whose work in a recent Shutterbug mag got me started.

*a Daylab 35, the image transfer kit from Polaroid, a 8x10" picture frame from Kmart to use the glass as a squeegee surface, a squeegee at the hardware, a block of 140# hot press 7x10" paper, scissors, and electric skillet, a window screen, and some 669 film.

-- John (, September 09, 2001



Thanks for your posting. Im new to image transfers as well. im really looking forward to doing more transfers!

-- lawton (, November 21, 2001.

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