Bitoterrorism another : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Bitoterrorism another threat September 12, 2001 The incidents that happened Tuesday at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Philadelphia reiterate how terrorism can easily strike on the home front.
However, bioterrorism could be just as likely than a bombing, according to Dr. Michael Kimberly, Tennessee Department of Health Laboratory Services director.
Kimberly was the guest speaker recently at the Tullahoma Emergency Preparedness Committee's May meeting at City Hall.
He stressed that no city is immune from terrorism, and those that are the most prepared will have the best survival rates.
Kimberly said reported bioterrorism cases - where diseases are spread through biological or chemical agents against civilians with an objective to cause fear, illness or death - are on the rise.
He held a plastic container and said if it contained anthrax bacteria, it would be enough to kill 50,000 people.
"This is out there, and it's going to happen," he said, referring to potential terrorist acts using anthrax bacteria.
-- Martin Thompson (, September 13, 2001
After Tuesday I guess we should all be prepared to expect just about anything.
-- Nancy7 (, September 13, 2001.
"Kimberly said reported bioterrorism cases - where diseases are spread through biological or chemical agents against civilians with an objective to cause fear, illness or death - are on the rise."Huh? This isn't true at all. Fear? Sure there's increased fear, understandably, but I don't know what this guy is talking about.
-- Andre Weltman (, September 14, 2001.