8 detained in NYC - one w/ fake pilot's id

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On CNN - 8 detained at NYC airports. Some on INS violations, but one with a fake pilot's id. 4 had been at the airport the day of the crashes and bolted when challenged, but came back today.

Wondered if they were going to try again????

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001


From the news this morning, imo,it sure sounded like some or all were about to give it a try. A man was on a plane in which 3 or 4 of the men where found. The man said the they were told they were about to take off, when a bunch of armed men came aboard and surprised every one to take the 3/4 men off the plane. The old saying watch what people do, not so much what they say...when the Vice President is staying at Camp David for protection, not wanting the President and him together in case something would happen, tells me they fully expected more to possibly to happen. So glad they got those men!

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001

This stuff really gets weird sometimes. I just heard on the news that the pilot ID was legitimate. It was his other ID that was fake, the one he used to book the flight. But they originally figured that the pilot ID must be fake because it didn't match his boarding ID. Nope, other way around. He said he didn't have good enough ID to board with his real name but his phony ID *was* good enough. Apparently he was only pulling a fast one to make a trip, no terrorist stuff. Oh, I could tell you stories about how people get messed up due to using bad IDs that worked many times, but then a twist of fate comes in.

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001

speaking of ID's, the rescue workers are now writing their names and SS #'s on their limbs, just in case.

Hope this doesn't become a standard...ahem!

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001

Gordon, I bet he and others will think more then once before they use phoney ID again, after this happened.

Barefoot, wow! that threw me for a loop! Deep breath...it makes logical sense after all the volunteers, firemen and others have lost their lives and now hard to identify but, it is so awful that it needs to be done.

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001

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