E-mail from my son

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

His only e-mail is his cell phone through Sprint, glad we have that... it's rough, but cleaned it up the obvious typos...

Sorry been real busy with all that’s going on. We are in Threat Con Delta, which is the highest. You say the news they intercepted some phone calls with the other targets. Well we being the primary terrorist response team are supposed to be one of them so all training is canceled to stand watch. Kind of scary. Every thing is locked down, more later. Oh and I forgot, wanted to tell you, because I know how you feel about Nelly but we are getting married after I finish training and a week after I asked we found out. She is due in May.



PS: Don’t want an opinion but feel free to spread the news

Hardheaded, stubborn, brain-in-his-pants... arrrrgggghhhhhh!

Guess I'm going to be a Grandpa, whether I like it or not... (I'll make that stubborn shit take a blood test if it kills me... he's 20, she's 29 with 4 kids already... am I right to lose it?????)

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001


it could work.

I don't know of any instance when it has, though.

But, in theory...

You may have to go and get the blood sample yourself, too.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

Yes, Gramps, it could work. Sweetie was 29 when he married me. I was 40. We've been ridiculously happy for almost 15 years. If your son is on the TRT, then he's older than all of us. The kids are a complication but could be a blessing too. Man, he won't have to cut the grass for years. [Edit: Actually, now that I check back, Sweetie was 30 and I was 41 when we got married. Cos I'm 56 this year. Never was good at math.]

What does she do for a living?

Can we send you some fingernails to chew on?

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

there are worse things that could happen.

Last Tuesday, case in point...

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

Carl, be good to Nelly. The baby she's carrying may be ... there is no good way to say this ... may be your son's only child. Be good to her for your son's sake and your grandchild's sake, and because your son needs to know you will help her. He needs to have that peace of mind so he can do his job.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

Helen, thanks, that thought had crossed my mind too... I haven't met her yet, just had an immediate negative response when I heard "29, 4 kids"....

I bit my tongue, and congratulated him and her... there's plenty of other things to worry about right now...

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

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