Weekly IMB Piracy Warnings Reportgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Weekly Piracy Report 11 – 17 September 2001 The following is a summary of the daily reports broadcast to all shipping by the IMB's Piracy Reporting Centre on the safetyNET service of Inmarsat-C 11 – 17 September 2001 For statistical purposes the IMB defines Piracy as: "An act of boarding or attempting to board any ship with the intent to commit theft or any other crime and with the intent or capability to use force in the furtherance of that act". This definition thus covers actual or attempted attacks whether the ship is berthed, at anchor or at sea. Petty thefts are excluded, unless the thieves are armed.Latest reported incidents 16.09.2001 at 1825 UTC in position 07:53.4S - 091:00.3E, Indian Ocean. While underway, persons in a fishing boat attempted to board a yacht "Saint Jude". When the yacht established contact with Darwin radio, the fishing boat aborted attempt and moved away
14.09.2001 at 2200 LT in position 09:11.3N - 014:31.3W, Conakry, Guinea. Persons in two fast speedboats attempted to board a bulk carrier from stern. Duty officer raised alarm, sounded the whistle and ship's crew fired rocket flares at the boat. As a result the attempted boarding was aborted.
11.09.2001 at 0115 LT at pilot station, Douala, Cameroon. While at anchor, duty a/b on a general cargo ship noticed three men armed with long knives lowering mooring ropes into water. He challenged them and pirates threatened him. Duty officer raised alarm.The pirates jumped overboard and escaped with the ropes.
Warnings Increasing number of attacks have been reported in the Malacca straits between the coordinates 01 to 02N - 101 to 103E. The most risk prone area is within 25 nm radius surrounding 02N - 102E, where the same armed gang of pirates seems to have repeatedly attacked ships. Ships are advised to avoid anchoring along the Indonesian coast of the Malacca straits unless required for urgent operational reasons. The coast near Acheh is particularly risky. Pirates recently boarded two vessels and kidnapped the crew for ransom. Ships are advised to be extra cautious when transiting the waters off Acheh. Ships calling at Indonesian ports of Belawan, Dumai, Merak, Samarinda and Tanjong Priok have reported numerous attacks whilst at berth and at anchor. Recently a number of ships have been hijacked in Indonesian waters. In view of the recent spate in hijackings, ship owners are advised to install a satellite tracking system on board. IMB recommends installation of Shiploc, which has proved to be invaluable in the location and recovery of hijacked vessels. Details can be found at www.shiploc.com. Attacks have been reported at Chittagong, Mongla and Chennai while at anchor. Ships at ports in Bangladesh have been subjected to theft of zinc anodes welded to ship's sides and the stern. Somalian waters continue to be a risk prone area for hijackings. Ships should keep at least 50 miles and if possible 100 miles from the Somali coast. Use of radio communications including the VHF in these waters should be kept to a minimum.
Advice to all ships Extra caution is advised at all ports in Indonesia, Gelasa Str, Bangka Str, Berhala Str, Sunda Str, Malacca Straits, Singapore Str, Phillip Channel, Vung Tau, Chittagong Roads, Mongla Anchorage, Chennai anchorage, Cochin anchorage, Kandla, Southern Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, the Somali coast, Conakry, Nigerian ports and Rio Haina in the Dominican Republic.
Ships are advised to maintain anti-piracy watches and report all piratical attacks and suspicious movements of craft to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel ++ 60 3 2078 5763 Fax ++ 60 3 2078 5769 Telex MA 31880 IMBPCI 24 Hours Anti Piracy HELPLINE Tel : ++ 60 3 2031 0014 E-mail ccskl@imbkl.po.my
-- Rich Marsh (marshr@airmail.net), September 19, 2001