SEPTEMBER 20 -- today's saints : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread


Today, September 20, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- saints whose souls are now in heaven:

St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon, St. Paul Chong Ha-sang, and 101 other Catholics (Korean and European, clergy and laity, martyred by torture and beheading between 1839 and 1867 [canonized 1984])
St. Eustachius [born Placidus] (Roman, pagan general [convert], martyred by boiling in 188)
Bl. Francisco de Posadas (Spanish, Dominican priest, d. 1713)
St. Glycerius (Italian, archbishop, c. 438)
St. John Charles Cornay (French, missionary priest in Vietnam, martyred by torture and beheading in 1837 [canonized 1988])
St. John Eustace (French, Cistercian abbot, d. 1481)
St. Jose Maria de Yermo y Parres (Mexican, priest, founder of Congregation of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Poor, d. 1904 [canonized 2000])
St. Madelgaire (French, widower, abbot, c. 677)

If you have anything to share about these holy people, please reply now -- biographical episodes, prayers through their intercession, the fact that one is your patron saint -- whatever moves you. If you are interested in one of these saints and want to find out more about him/her, please ask. Information is sometimes available on the Internet.

All you holy men and women, saints of God, pray for us.
God bless you.

-- J. F. Gecik (jgecik@amdg.ihs), September 20, 2001



I'll bet that Enrique can tell us something about St. Jose Maria de Yermo y Parres

Meanwhile, I was pleasantly surprised to find the names of all the fellow martyrs of Sts. Andrew (first Korean-born priest) and Paul (lay catechist) -- 101 Koreans and missionaries from Europe. The dioceses of Korea are among the most fervent and growing sees in the Church. I think that these clergymen and laity deserve to be named here. (Note: When a person's name is made up of three parts, the first is the baptismal name, the second is the surname, and the third is the pre-Christian given name. Thus, American-style, we would have called the most famous of the 103 martyrs, before his conversion "Tae-gon Kim," and after, "Father Andrew Kim.")
St. Ignatius Kim Che-jun (catechist),
Teresa Kim,
St. Cecilia Yu So-sa,
St. Elisabeth Chong Chong-hye (virgin),
St. Agatha Yi So-sa,
St. Peter Yi Ho-yong,
St. Protase Chong Kur-bo,
St. Magdalene Kim O-bi,
St. Barbara Han A-gi,
St. Anna Pak A-gi,
St. Agatha Kim,
St. Augustine Yi Kwang-hon,
St. Barbara Kwon Hu-i,
St. John Baptist Yi Kwang-nyol (catechist),
St. Agatha Yi,
St. Lucia Park Hui-sun,
St. Maria Park K'un-agi,
St. Juliet Kim (virgin),
St. Agatha Chon Kyong-hyob (virgin),
St. Damian Nam Myong-hyog (catechist),
St. Maria Yi Yon-hui,
St. Peter Kwon Tu-gin,
St. Joseph Chang Song-jib,
St. Barbara Kim,
St. Rosa Kim (widow),
St. Magalene Ho Kye-im,
St. Barbara Yi Chong-hui,
St. Magdalene Yi Yong-hui,
St. Barbara Yi,
St. Teresa Yi Mae-im,
St. Martha Kim,
St. Lucia Kim,
St. Anna Kim,
St. Maria Won Kwi-im (virgin),
St. John Pak,
St. Agnes Kim Hyo-ju,
St. Columba Kim Hyo-im,
St. Francis Ch'oe Hyong-hwan,
St. Lawrence Imbert (missionary bishop),
St. Peter Maubant (missionary priest),
St. Jacob Chastan (missionary priest),
St. Augustine Yi Chin-gil,
St. Peter Yu Tae-ch'ol,
St. Sebastian Nam,
St. Barbara Cho Chung-i,
St. Charles Cho Shin-ch'ol,
St. Peter Ch'oe Ch'ang-hub (catechist),
St.Barbara Ch'oe Yong-i,
St. Magdalene Son Sob-yog,
St. Magdalene Pak Pongson (widow),
St. Perpetua Hong Kum-ju (widow),
St. Lucia Kim,
St. Catherine Yi,
St. Magdalene Cho,
St. Magdalene Yi Yong-dog,
St. Maria Yi Indog,
St.Magdalene Han Yong-i,
St. Agatha Kwon Chi-ni,
St. Agatha Yi Kyong-i,
St. Benedicta Hyon Kyong-nyon,
St. Charles Hyon Song-mun,
St. Barbara Ko Su-ni,
St. Augustine Pak Chong-won,
St. Andrew-Chong Kwag-yong (catechist),
St. Stephen Min Kuk-ka (catechist),
St. Paul Ho,
St. Peter Hong Pyong-ju,
St. Paul Hong Yong-ju (catechist),
St. John Yi Mu-nu,
St. Anthony Kim Son-u,
St. Peter Nam Kyong-mun (catechist),
St. Lawrence Han Ih-yong (catechist),
St. Susanna U Su-rim,
St. Agatha Yi Kan-nan,
St. Joseph Im Ch'i-baeg,
St. Teresa Kim I-mi,
St. Catherine Chong Ch'or-yom,
St. Peter Yu Chong-yul (catechist),
St. Simon Berneux (missionary bishop),
St. Justin de Bretenières (missionary priest),
St. Peter Henricus Dorie (missionary priest),
St. Ludovicus Beaulieu (missionary priest),
St. John Baptist Nam Chong-sam,
St. John Baptist Chong Chang-un (catechist),
St. Peter Ch'oe Hy-ong (catechist),
St. Mark Chong Ui-bae (catechist),
St. Alex U Se-yong,
St. Anthony Daveluy (missionary bishop),
St. Martin Luke Huin (missionary priest),
St. Peter Aumaitre (missionary priest),
St. Joseph Chang Chu-gi (priest),
St. Luke Hwang Sok-tu,
St. Thomas Son Cha-son,
St. Bartholomew Chong Mun-ho,
St. Peter Cho Kwa-so,
St. Joseph Cho Yun-ho,
St. Peter Son Son-ji (catechist),
St. Peter Yi My-ong,
St. Joseph Peter Han Won-so (catechist),
St. Peter Chong Won-ji,
101. John Yi Yun-il (catechist)

More than 10,000 people died in Korean persecutions which extended over more than one hundred years. To read a little more about these martyrs, visit this Korean Internet site.

Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints!

-- (jgecik@amdg.ihs), September 20, 2001.

Oops! Make that
St. Teresa Kim and
St. John Yi Yun-il (catechist).

-- (_@_._), September 20, 2001.

Querido John: cuando alguien nos pide algo y podemos proporcionárselo decimos: SERVIDO! Espero que te sientas servido:


El reciente santo mexicano nació en una hacienda azucarera en Jalmolonga, México. Fue hijo único, y tras la repentina muerte de su madre a los pocos días de nacido fue educado por su padre y una hermana de él. Al finalizar sus estudios en una escuela privada recibió la medalla de honor del emperador Maximiliano de Habsburgo. En 1857, José María decide dedicar su vida a Dios e ingresa a la Congregación de la Misión en donde profesa sus votos religiosos. En el año de 1873 funda la Asociación Juvenil el "Angel de la Pureza". Termina sus estudios de teología, es ordenado sacerdote y el 25 de agosto de 1879 celebra su primera Misa en la Catedral de León, rodeado de sus familiares y amigos. San José María se distinguió como orador, director espiritual, guía de jóvenes y orientador de las madres de familia para la formación cristiana de sus hijos. Ocupó cargos importantes dentro de la Secretaría de la Academia Filosófico-Teológica Santo Tomás de Aquino, pero en el año de 1885, fue nombrado capellán de los templos más pobres de León Goto. Fue tan grande su impresión ante tal miseria que quiso renunciar, pero el impulso secreto que Dios le envió lo decidió a acatar sus designios y así creció su amor ante las escenas que se le presentaron, sobre todo una que presenció en El Calvario.

En ese barrio lleno de pobreza y necesidad funda el asilo para mendigos -que fuera el inicio de "Las Siervas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y de los Pobres"- junto con cuatro religiosas y un médico quien ayudó en todo lo posible a la noble labor, ya que no tenían más que algunos catres desechados por los soldados, unas cacerolas viejas y una mesa destinada para los cadáveres. Estos pormenores fueron sin duda los orígenes de las posteriores bendiciones que le colmó Dios Padre en quien confió ciegamente durante toda su vida.

El 19 de junio de 1888 inaugura el noviciado y en 1889 se traslada a la ciudad de Puebla desde donde la congregación se expenderá rápidamente a otros lugares de la República Mexicana. En esta ciudad el santo mexicano fundará "La Misericordia Cristiana", casa de formación, protección, rescate y regeneración de la mujer, y una de las primeras obras que surgieron para dicho fin en el país.

Son muchos los escritos que dejó el Padre Yermo y para facilitar la edición de las obras y otras publicaciones, trajo de Francia e Italia equipos de imprenta. La mayor parte de sus libros y manuscritos se conservan en su archivo.

El santo dedicó parte de su vida a la contemplación de Dios y al dinamismo apostólico en la más genuina y auténtica de sus manifestaciones, a través de la caridad evangélica. Su mensaje es una invitación al hombre de hoy, que vive sumergido en la violencia, a buscar en el otro que camina a su lado, al rostro humano, al hermano, a Cristo.

Un mes antes de su muerte pudo celebrar el XXV aniversario de su ministerio. Agotado por las fatigosas labores que se echó a cuestas murió el 20 de septiembre de 1904. Estaba preparado para ello; toda su vida fue un himno a la caridad heroica: "soy sacerdote -escribio alguna vez-, estoy obligado al amor perfecto en el servicio de Dios y de las almas, especialmente entre los más pobres y desamparados".

Fue beatificado en su tierra natal por el Papa Juan Pablo II el 6 de mayo de 1990, y canonizado en Roma el 21 de mayo del 2000. Su fiesta es celebrada el 19 de septiembre de cada año.

-- Enrique Ortiz (, September 21, 2001.

Querido Enrique,
Siento bien servido.
Muchisimas gracias.

-- (jgecik@amdg.ihs), September 21, 2001.

Estupendo, Enrique--! No se como hacer un ''exclamation mark'' para Espanol, ni las tildes, etc., Que lastima. Verdad que por el Internet nomas se puede con teclado que lleve la caracteristica cargada? Que malamente me expreso, disculpa. Soy un pobre 'Pocho'-- o mejor dicho en Nuevo Mexico, donde naci, 'Manito' --

Gracias por los informes. La ultima ocasion, envie por correo a mi querida suegra los datos de aquellos Mexicanos canonizados. Le encanto/ GRACIAS!

-- eugene c. chavez (, September 21, 2001.

Queridos John y Eugene: me da gusto haberles servido. Oren por mí para que siga haciendo el bien y que siga el consejo del Evangelio:

"Siervos Inútiles somos; porque Sólo hicimos lo que Debíamos hacer." (Lc 17, 10)

-- Enrique Ortiz (, September 22, 2001.


Enrique, your words just reminded me of something I saw and heard several years ago. The pope was perhaps on one of his journeys and was being announced by a dignitary of some kind. This man paid the pope a great compliment for some service he had rendered.
The pope was humbly looking down at the floor. Then I could just barely hear him mumble two Italian words that were probably overlooked by almost everyone -- "Servo inutile" ("Useless servant").

God bless you.

-- (jgecik@amdg.ihs), September 22, 2001.

[Here are some September 20 saints/blessed to be added to those listed in the opening message:]

St. Candida of Carthage (North African, virgin, martyred in 300)
Sts. Evilasius and Fausta (from Asia Minor [Turkish], repentant judge and girl of thirteen tortured by him, martyred in 303)
Sts. Theodore , Philippa, Socrates, and Dionysius (soldier, his mother, soldier, and converted pagan priest ... martyred by crucifixion in 220)
Bl. Thomas Johnson (English, Carthusian monk, martyred by starvation in 1537)
St. Vincent Madelgarus (Belgian, father of four saints, Benedictine abbot, d. 677)


-- (, September 20, 2002.


On September 20, we members of the Catholic Church family honor, in a special way, the following friends of God -- saints and blesseds whose souls are now in heaven:

Holy Martyrs of Korea [also known as “Sts. Andrew Kim Tae-gon of Solmoi, Paul Chong Ha-sang of Majae, and companions“] (Korean [93] and French [10] … clergy [3 missionary bishops, 7 missionary priests, 2 native priests] and laity [91] … tortured and martyred by beheading between 1839 and 1867 [canonized 1984])
[Here are the names of the canonized martyrs. They are representative of the more than 10,000 people who died in Korean persecutions that extended over more than one hundred years. (Note: When a Korean person's name is made up of three parts, the first is the baptismal name, the second is the surname, and the third is the pre-Christian given name. Thus, American-style, we would have called the most famous of the 103 martyrs, before his conversion "Tae-gon Kim," and afterwards, "Father Andrew Kim.")]
-- [Missionary bishops:]
----- St. Anthony Daveluy of Amiens [Antoine] (French, died at age 48 in 1866)
----- St. Lawrence Imbert of Marignane [Laurent] (French, 43, 1839)
----- St. Simon Berneux of Chateau-du-Loir (French, 52, 1866)
-- [Missionary priests and native priests:]
----- St. James Chastan of Marcoux [Jacques] (French, died at age 36 in 1839)
----- St. Justin Ranfer de Bretenières of Chalon-sur-Saône (French, 28, 1866)
----- St. Louis Beaulieu of Langon (French, 26, 1866)
----- St. Martin Luke Huin of Guyonville [Martin-Luc] (French, 30, 1866)
----- St. Peter Aumaitre of Aizecq [Pierre] (French, 29, 1866)
----- St. Peter Maubant of Vassy [Pierre] (French, 36, 1839)
----- St. Peter Henry Dorie of Saint-Hilaire-de-Talmont [Pierre-Henri] (French, 27, 1866)
----- St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon of Solmoi (first Korean-born priest, 25, 1846)
----- St. Joseph Chang Chu-gi (Korean, 1860)
-- [Lay catechists:]
----- St. Andrew Chong Kwang-yong (d. 1840)
----- St. Damian Nam Myong-hyog of Munan (38, 1839)
----- St. Ignatius Kim Che-jun of Myonch’on (43, 1839)
----- St. John Baptist Chong Chang-un (1860)
----- St. John Baptist Yi Kwang-nyol of Kwangju (42, 1839)
----- St. John Yi Yun-il (1860)
----- St. Joseph Peter Han Jae-kwon (1860)
----- St. Lawrence Han Ih-yong (1840)
----- St. Mark Chong Ui-bae (1860)
----- St. Paul Chong Ha-sang of Majae (44, 1839)
----- St. Paul Hong Yong-ju (1840)
----- St. Peter Ch'oe Ch'ang-hub (1860)
----- St. Peter Ch'oe Hy-ong (1840)
----- St. Peter Nam Kyong-mun (1840)
----- St. Peter Son Son-ji (1860)
----- St. Peter Yu Chong-yul (1860)
----- St. Stephen Min Kuk-ka (1840)
-- [Other laity:]
----- St. Agatha Chon Kyong-hyob of Seoul (virgin, died at age 49 in 1839)
----- St. Agatha Kim A-gi of Kangch'on (56, 1839)
----- St. Agatha Kwon Chi-ni (1840)
----- St. Agatha Yi of Seoul (16, 1840)
----- St. Agatha Yi Kan-nan ((1860)
----- St. Agatha Yi Kyong-I (1840)
----- St. Agatha Yi So-sa of Ich’on (55, 1839)
----- St. Agnes Kim Hyo-ju of Banisom (23, 1839)
----- St. Alexis U Se-yong (1860)
----- St. Anna Kim Chang-gum of Seoul (50, 1839)
----- St. Anna Pak A-gi (1840)
----- St. Anthony Kim Song-u (1840)
----- St. Augustine Pak Chong-won (1840)
----- St. Augustine Yi Ching-il of Cho Dong (48, 1839)
----- St. Augustine Yi Kwang-hon of Kwangju (52, 1839)
----- St. Barbara Cho Chung-I of Ich’on (57, 1839)
----- St. Barbara Ch'oe Yong-I of Seoul (21, 1840)
----- St. Barbara Han A-gi of Kwang-ch’on (47, 1839)
----- St. Barbara Kim of Shi-heung (34, 1839)
----- St. Barbara Ko Su-ni (1860)
----- St. Barbara Kwon Hu-I of Seoul (45, 1839)
----- St. Barbara Yi of Ch’ongp’a (14, 1839)
----- St. Barbara Yi Chong-hui of Pongch’on (40, 1839)
----- St. Bartholomew Chong Mun-ho (1860)
----- St. Benedicta Hyon Kyong-nyon (1840)
----- St. Catherine Chong Ch'or-yom (1840)
----- St. Catherine Yi of Seoul (56, 1839)
----- St. Cecilia Yu So-sa of Seoul (mother of St. Paul Chong Ha-sang, 78, 1839)
----- St. Charles Cho Shin-ch'ol of Hoeyang (44, 1839)
----- St. Charles Hyon Song-mun (1840)
----- St. Columba Kim Hyo-im of Bamsom (25, 1839)
----- St. Elisabeth Chong Chong-hye of Majae (virgin, 42, 1939)
----- St. Francis Ch'oe Hyong-hwan of Ch'ungchong (34, 1839)
----- St. John Baptist Nam Chong-sam (1860)
----- St. John Pak Hu-jae of Yongin (40, 1839)
----- St. John Yi Mu-nu (1839)
----- St. Joseph Chang Song-jib of Seoul (53, 1839)
----- St. Joseph Cho Yun-ho (1860)
----- St. Joseph Im Ch'i-baeg (1840
----- St. Juliet Kim of Hanyang (virgin, 55, 1839)
----- St. Lucia Kim of Kanch’on (21, 1839)
----- St. Lucia Kim of Seoul (70, 1839)
----- St. Lucia Pak Hui-sun (1840)
----- St. Luke Hwang Sok-tu (1860)
----- St. Magdalen Cho of Seoul (32, 1839)
----- St. Magdalen Han Yong-I (1840)
----- St. Magalen Ho Kye-im of Yongin (66, 1839)
----- St. Magdalen Kim O-bi of Seoul (65, 1839)
----- St. Magdalen Pak Pong-son of Seoul (widow, 43, 1839)
----- St. Magdalen Son Sob-yog (1840)
----- St. Magdalen Yi Yong-dok (1840)
----- St. Magdalen Yi Yong-hui of Pongch’on (30, 1839)
----- St. Maria Pak K'un-agi of Seoul (53, 1839)
----- St. Maria Won Kwi-im of Yongmo Ri (virgin, 21, 1839)
----- St. Maria Yi In-dok (1840)
----- St. Maria Yi Yon-hui of Seoul (35, 1839)
----- St. Martha Kim Song-im of Pup’yong (52, 1839)
----- St. Paul Ho Hy-op (1840)
----- St. Perpetua Hong Kum-ju of Seoul (widow, 35, 1839)
----- St. Peter Cho Kwa-so (1860)
----- St. Peter Chong Won-ji (1860)
----- St. Peter Hong Pyong-ju (1840)
----- St. Peter Kwon Tu-gin of Kyonggi (34, 1839)
----- St. Peter Yi Ho-yong of Ich’on (35, 1839)
----- St. Peter Yi Myong-so (1860)
----- St. Peter Yu Tae-ch'ol of Ipjong Dong (13, 1839)
----- St. Protase Chong Kur-bo of Songdo (40, 1839)
----- St. Rosa Kim of Seoul (widow) (55, 1866)
----- St. Sebastian Nam Ig-wan of Ch'ungju (59, 1839)
----- St. Susanna U Su-rim (1840)
----- St. Teresa Kim of Myonch'on (43, 1840)
----- St. Teresa Kim I-mi (1840)
----- St. Teresa Yi Mae-im of Pongch’on (51, 1839)
----- St. Thomas Son Cha-son (1860)

St. Candida of Carthage (North African, virgin, martyred in 300)
Bl. Clement Marchisio of Racconigi [Clemente] (Italian, priest, founded Institute of the Daughters of St. Joseph, d. 1903 [beatified 1984])
St. Eustachius of Rome [born Placidus] (Italian, pagan general [convert], martyred by boiling in 188)
Sts. Evilasius and Fausta of Cyzicum (from Asia Minor [Turkish], repentant judge and girl of thirteen tortured by him, martyred in 303)
Bl. Francis de Posadas of Cordova [Francisco] (Spanish, Dominican priest, d. 1713)
St. Glycerius of Milan (Italian, archbishop, c. 438)
St. John Charles Cornay of Loudin [Jean] (French, missionary priest in Vietnam, tortured and caged for three months, martyred [cut to pieces] in 1837 [canonized 1988])
St. John Eustace of Mons [Jean] (Belgian, Cistercian abbot in France, d. 1481)
St. Joseph Mary de Yermo y Parres of Jalmolonga [Jose Maria] (Mexican, priest, founded Congregation of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Poor, died at age 53 in 1904 [canonized 2000])
Bl. Mark of Modena [Marco] (Italian, Dominican priest, intinerant preacher, d. 1498)
Sts. Theodore, Philippa, Socrates, and Dionysius (soldier, his mother, soldier, and converted pagan priest ... martyred by crucifixion in 220)
Bl. Thomas Johnson (English, Carthusian monk, martyred by starvation in 1537 [beatified 1886])
St. Vincent of Strepy [baptized Madelgarus] (Belgian, father of four, widower, Benedictine abbot, d. 677)

If you have anything to share about these holy people, please reply now -- biographical episodes, prayers through their intercession, the fact that one is your patron -- whatever moves you. If you are interested in one of these saints or blesseds and want to find out more about him/her, please ask. Information is sometimes available on the Internet.

All you holy men and women, saints of God, pray for us.
God bless you.

-- J. F. Gecik (, September 20, 2003.

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