NETANYAHU - Don't compromise with terror : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

I saw a bit of this testimony and Netanyahu mentioned his brother. Brother was educated at Harvard and at age 30 was killed in action during the assault on terrorists holding a plane and passengers hostage in Entebbe. Remember that? I know I have the book somewhere--I believe it's "90 Minutes at Entebbe." Thoroughly recommended.


(21:55) Netanyahu tells US not to compromise with terror By Janine Zacharia

Washington – Former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, testifying before the House Government Reform Committee this evening, said if the US includes terrorism-sponsoring regimes like Syria, Iran or the Palestinian Authority in a coalition against worldwide terrorism then the alliance "will be defeated from the beginning."

Such a coalition, Netanyahu said, "will preclude possibility of overall victory" and "will melt down because of its own internal contradictions."

Netanyahu, who received unprecedented applause at the end of his testimony, called for the US to take a wide approach in its war against international terrorism, which is undoubtedly sustained by support of sovereign states.

The hearing was called to examine possible US responses to last week's terror attacks on the US and Netanyahu, who authored a book on terrorism, was summoned as a terrorism expert.

"Take away all the state support and the entire scaffolding of international terrorism will collapse into the dust. The international terrorist network is based on regimes – on Iraq, on Iran, on Syria, on Taliban Afghanistan,Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Authority and several other Arab regimes such as the Sudan," Netanyahu said.

(The rest of this article will appear in tomorrows edition)

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001

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