Panasonic NV- DX 100 : LUSENET : Editing DV Films : One Thread

Hi! I found Panasonic NV- DX 100 for sale on very good price. But I was told that it does not have link with computer out and in, as new models have; It has only out...Since that shoud be a sofware thing I wonder whether that could be made on the Panasonic servis or even at home?!?! Thanks E

-- Edvard Zitnik (, September 21, 2001


Yes it is completly compatible with the computer, with a mini-dv cable to your computer. it works great.

-- rfx (, March 12, 2003.

i have this camera and it dosent have dv input. You can find some software for solve this problem but i have no idea how to do it. if you make it please let me know.

-- cenk ozakinci (, April 03, 2003.

One of these will do it:

-- Clif White (, June 02, 2003.

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