How To Play BiLingual VCD on computer. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have got so many vcd that can be played in mandarin and cantonese, but how can I play it only in one language. (The audio came out to be both language speaking at the same, which is very annoying..... please help me. Thanks in advance.

-- Maxwell MacMillan (, September 23, 2001


This is weird. Probably the left audio channel has mandarin and the right audio channel in cantonese. During playback select (or connect) only one audio channel or mute one of the TV speakers.

-- Chetan Umarje (, September 23, 2001.

Chetan's answer is exactly right. Many VCDs have Cantonese on one channel and Mandarin on the other because the format has no support for separate audio tracks (SVCD supports 2 separate audio tracks, by the way). Some DVD players will let you send just one channel out to your speakers, so you might see if you can do that.

-- Jason (, September 24, 2001.

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