Anyone fancy a round of golf this week? : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

As the toon are playing in the middle of the day on Sunday, I'll not be able to get a round in. But I've got Wednesday and Thursdays (10-3pm) off. Anyone fancy a round?

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001


I play just like hAPppy Gilmour, you'll get a laugh.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

I'd love to join you for a round, Rik - unfortunately, I'm still having problems with my shoulder. One of these days, bonny lad.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

Only one injury Clarky, you lucky b'stard, I've got a dodgy back, sore knee and tennis elbow, but it dosen't stop me.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

Try playing golf with a 'frozen shoulder' Rik - it's about as possible as Osama Bin Liner saying "sorry!"

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

....not to mention the dislocated brain. ;-)

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

.... would that be mine or rik's, Screacher?

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

I'll leave that to you and Rik to decide. At least we now what his handicap is ;-)

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001

Thanks for that Screacher...

There dosen't seem to be anyone with a day or two off in midweek. What's up, do you all work 5 days a week or something?

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

Well, no takers, looks like I'll be hanging around the ladies Tee looking for some young woman to play with me the morra.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

Sorry Rik im off friday and monday if thats any good.


-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

Got a society outing on Sunday Rik, for £25 you get , Tea/Bacon rolls on arrival, 4 ball better ball am round, soup/sandwich pint lunch, probably singles compt in afternoon, high tea, (meal ,sweet,home bakes everyone gets something at the prizegiving), will get you an invite if we ever get down to Slaley, I`ll say your a local celebrity. A colleague of mine at work has just been on a camper tour of the Rockies and she played a few rounds out there, very impressed with Banff GC , although at £84 a round you need to be, Have not played much myself this year , I shall stick with the £10 to the Society and play on the 18th oldest course in the world for £2 a round, £5 for my partner, keep at it Rick , have you had any lessons yet?

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

We tend to nip off on Sundays using 2 fore 1 tickets, with 3 other lads. We went to Alnwick last Sunday, I was in the lead but time was geting a bit short (we wanted to get back for the match on TV). I started to rush a bit and ended up having a nightmare on the 16th.

Never am I gonna rush for the toon again.

Any way as for the 2 fore 1 tickets, they cost £2 each and enable you to play at over 800 courses for half price.

Slaley hall is on the list of places that you can play in low season (1st oct-31st march @ £20). So we'll be playing there next month.

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

...... take plenty of balls, Rik!

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

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