Why does Wal-mart send canning jars back.....

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A Village Commons : One Thread

Why does Wal-mart send canning jars back at the first of September. Our Apples just got ripe and S is not happy with Wally world. I guess I'll have to make a trip to ye ole hardware store and pick up some 1/2 pint jars as she likes the smaller jars for applebutter, jam and jelly.

-- K & S (healthywizard@earthlink.net), September 26, 2001


HI, wally world is probably going to put out christmas stuff, or is it holloween stuff, there suppose to be our home town grocery, Bull there just money hungery like any big corp. I think up North you still got a lot of canning to do. Hope you find some jars. Love Irene

-- Irene texas (tkorsborn@cs.com), September 26, 2001.

WM still has canning stuff galore here in the Heartland. And they've had christmas stuff out since the end of August here. Pretty soon they'll just leave it out year round. Sheesh!

-- Sojourner (notime4@summer.spam), September 27, 2001.

Picked up 2 cases of jars at the hardware store.

WM here does a lot of crazy stuff. Last year they sent back the Valentine stuff on Feb 12. Go Figure::?


-- K & S (healthywizard@earthlink.net), September 28, 2001.

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