Weekend - Sept. 29-30

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MATHletes! It's Saturday!

Lucinda was just fantastic last night. Mad Mad sang every song. Except, you know, for the "get fucked up" part of Essence, at which point I covered her sweet little ears. The fair is huge!

We're getting ready to go to the soccer game. Wish the Galaxy Girls luck.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001


Her team is called the Galaxy Girls? What, are you trying to kill me?

Thanks for the song call, Drunken Angel.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

Look, I told you not to move.

I wasn't even drunk, either, so it wasn't even all that appropriate. But it was getting toward the end of the show and I had a feeling she wouldn't play "Bus to Baton Rouge", which she didn't. But she closed (well, encored) with "Lake Charles", and I nearly died right on the spot.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

I bet she was playing just as I was butchering it on my back porch here in the ATL.

Did y'all enjoy the fair? I love the Texas State Fair. So crazy big. It's one of those things you go to every couple of years, like Mardis Gras, because you have to build up your strength in the between years.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

Is Berman at work today? Calling Mike Berman... come in Mike Berman...

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

Al - sophomore year we performed at the State Fair. Yay for Color Guard! It was so fun. Then we got to walk around the Fair in our godawful puffy painted tees.

AB - You call during Essence! You numbah one!

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

Woohoo the Bucks are winning.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

Y'all, Alabama will make you crazy. This is a great game, but if we don't win, I will be UPSET.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

Could you hear it, H?

The Galaxy Girls won! Whee!

Y'all, I have NO babysitter in this damned town. I want to go to the HL show tonight, durnit!

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

Yes, AB I could! Thank You.

The Bucks also won! Yay!

AB - what about DFW Cool Girls to babysit? No? Yes? Maybe?

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

Just getting in now, since I was out watching Maryland lay some smack down on West Virginia.


-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

Ah. Alabama. Lost. By one. No, no, no.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001

Aw, Al, we saw that on SportsCenter last night. Sad!

Y'all. The show was at this crazy place in north Dallas called the Lone Star Country Club. It was the white-trashest place I've ever seen. Hardlucy was scared to play because they thought they might get beat up. The best part? The wall of t-shirts they have for sale with sayings like:

"Eatin' ain't cheatin'" and "Don't trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die"

and my personal favorite...

"Silly faggot. Dicks are for chicks."

It was a COUNTRY CLUB, oh yeah.

-- Anonymous, September 30, 2001

Oh my GOD. Yeah, I've heard of that place. Far north Dallas should be avoided, yo. Just a bunch of skanky white people trying to act cool because they live in tackyass Plano.

-- Anonymous, September 30, 2001

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