When you brew coffee the vac way i always melt the rubber gasket Someone said my lites too high. Also what is that metal chain for and coil on the glass rod Whe n i separeted the bowls the top one cracked whats the proper method for stovetop brewing

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Coffee Related Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread

When i tried to this past weekend with a silex brewer i found in the garage i removed the metal coil and chain from the glass rod. Because i didnt want old metal in my coffee. Whats the proper flame for vacuum brewing. What is that chain and coil for. On my other pot i took the chain and coil off and the glass rod worked fine i love vacuum brewing but it seems so tricky whats the story on one pot i melted the rubber gasket because the flame was too high can you help.

-- Benjamin Koffler (bkoffler@sunyrockland.edu), October 03, 2001


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for everything you could imagine about vacpots.


-- JimboJava (JimboJava@msn.com), September 30, 2002.

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