04 Oct 01: Mold, Not Body Part, Found In Punch

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Hassle Mike Anonymously : One Thread

Mold, Not Body Part, Found In Punch [Commerce City, CO]
Relax. It's just mold. Please always remember to look for those beverages labeled No Artificial Penises Added. (Thanks to Christine for the link.)

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001


Man that is the nastiest thing I think I've ever seen.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

It was scary when it tried to kill Sigourney Weaver, and it's scary now.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

Now I lay me down to sleep I pray my penis I will keep And if I wake and it is gone I hope I'll find it on the lawn

from The Penis Prayer

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

Since when does mold have veins?

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

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