Selling a couple of cameras to get me started? : LUSENET : Brownies Buy and Sell : One Thread

I am interested in purchasing TWO cameras that are exactly the same or closely related as to usage for myself and an 8 yr old to learn to use as a hobby... I am an avid 35mm photographer but am just beginning with an interest in vintage photography. Please contact me at with offers (and photos if possible with descriptions) Thanks!!! WENDI

-- Wendi (, October 05, 2001


Hi, Wendi, I have a couple of box cameras that you'll be interested in. You can go to my picture galleries at and enter my member name, mariner8378, in the box. This will take you to my landing page, where you can look at pictures from the Brownie Target Six-20 and the Brownie Hawkeye cameras. I am planning to sell these on ebay very soon but would rather sell directly to a buyer without the wait. Please take a look and let me know what you think. I've also seen your other request in the Brownie Talk section and have sent you a personal reply.

Hope to hear from you soon!

-- Pete Lutz (, October 09, 2001.

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