World's first (?) orienteering radio show -- live on Sunday (10/7) : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

While I recover from my injured knee, I'm spending far too much time playing around on the internet. I discovered Fancast -- a web site where anyone can make and broadcast their own live internet radio show. So, I signed up. Look for the first (maybe even the only) broadcast of the Okansas Show on fancast. It is scheduled for Sunday, October 7, at 5 p.m. (KC time). I suspect I'll cover the seasons first local event.

Fancast is at:

The Okansas Show is on the "other" channel and is currently listed as an upcoming show.

-- Michael (, October 05, 2001


I sure hope Mook doesn't injure his knee anytime soon. I could just imagine what it would be like with 2 OK'ers with too much internet time on their hands. There could be a website devoted to each of their individual fingenail growths with a minute by minute description of all 10 nails with an eventual discussion thread about toenails.

-- Snorkel (, October 06, 2001.

The first ever Okansas radio show is history. I guess it was a success -- we even had a few listeners and took a couple of calls. The official fancast stats show that the Okansas Show was on for 10 minutes and had 8 listeners. There were four callers (I think one dude called twice). We got 27 "listener minutes" -- which I guess means the average listener was around for 3:20 (27 minutes divided by 8 listeners).

As far as I can tell, the only listeners were people who happened to be at fancast and just decided to click on the Okansas Show. One caller explained that he "loves orienteering...what is it?" Another caller wanted to know what Orienteering was and I sent him to the USOF web page. It isn't very interesting talking to clowns like these guys. But, it was interesting to test the software and the broadcasting system. The Okansas Show 10 8 27 4

-- Michael (, October 07, 2001.

Perhaps there are more people put there with bad knees than I suspected.

-- Snorkel (, October 09, 2001.

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