how do i convert files from newsgroup into avi/mpeg : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

When i download a file from newsgroups, all i see is lettes and numbers. what do i need to do to make the avi/mpeg or whatever?

Once i have the movie file i will be able to make the vcd no problem...i just dont understand how to convert the characters into a file cheers

-- Doug Tile (, October 09, 2001


hmmm, another movie enthusiast. You do the conversion during the download ( right click on one of the 1 or many and choose decode binaries option ). It's a binary decoding that comes with the newsgroup reader. The files come out as chunks of RARs that you patch together. Hopefully, you can download all of the chunks otherwise you are fubar( this event occurred quite often ).These movies are best to watch on putter or TV out devices due to their awesome encoding techniques.However, if you insist on converting over to vcd or svcd, then prepare to apply a lot of filters and time....cheers

-- (, October 11, 2001.

What program are you using to download files from newsgroups?

I'm having that same problem with all i see is letter and numbers..

-- Tommy (, March 15, 2004.

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