any one from around Louiville, KY???? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My DH and I visited the area this weekend (we go there 2 a yaer)and want to know...economy, land prices, posablity of homesteading????

-- Cindy from MO (, October 12, 2001


ME,ME,ME. I am 40 minutes south of Louisville. Good land prices, good land, good jobs, great homesteading. See my farm.

How much do you want to spend? There's lots around here.

-- Cindy in KY (, October 12, 2001.

Hi! I'm about two hours south of Louisville. Ky has a lot of good places to homestead and prices in the boonies are pretty reasonable- we moved away from Lexington/Madison county area about three years ago because it was getting way too expensive. Finding work can sometimes be iffy-depending on what you do,and the rural economy has problems, on the other hand, we don't seem to have a lot of the regulations, permits etc, that I read about giving people problems in other states. If you have specific questions, I'll try to answer. but I will say, Ky works for us!

-- Kelly in Ky (, October 12, 2001.

Hi Cindy, I moved here to Kentucky from Springfield, Mo. back in 1983. I have been here ever since and consider this as "home" My DH is from Louisville. I have lived there as well as the Lexington area. Land around the larger metro areas are a little pricey, but if you get out here in the sticks with us homesteaders, it is very afforable. Like Kelly I am two hours south of Louisville near Bowling Green. Life out here is great....Come On Over

-- Ria in Ky (, October 13, 2001.

You guys aren't far away at all. How do you like all this wind and rain and orange leaves falling everywhere? Man it was windy today up on this hill. At least it's still warm out. And we did need the rain.

-- Cindy in KY (, October 13, 2001.

Rain, Rain, Rain....I guess we need it though. Enjoying this really cool weather. It is great. Cindy(in ky) where have you been? Haven't seen you around lately...Sure do miss you around here. E-mail me with your Address I have something I want to mail you.

-- Ria in Ky (, October 14, 2001.

I also live near B.G., KY. This part of Ky. is a great place to homestead. If you need to work off the farm, there's lots of jobs. The area has a very stable economy. Land prices are reasonable, especially if you get out to the surrounding counties. If you don't need employment, there's still some cheap land in eastern Ky.

-- gary (, October 14, 2001.

I've just been really busy. I have to get my website hosting work done in the am before light, and then at night I'm pretty tired. It's getting dark to early now, and my time outside runs out to quickly in the evenings. I'm not adjusting well, I'm still milking in the dark, feeding in the dark. I've been real busy with the Border Collies, my own, and the ones I'm taking care of. We still have a bunch to do before winter.

-- Cindy in KY (, October 15, 2001.

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