Soap in a Luffa? : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

First: Melissa we need a soap category.

I was reading an old countryside and saw that someone had seen soap in a luffa--what a cool idea. Wonder how you'd do that without it draining out when you made it.

Reminds me of my next question which I will post on luffas.

-- Ann Markson (, October 16, 2001


Soap category is added and a few other new ones as well!

-- Melissa (, October 16, 2001.

Hi Ann,

I too, have seen luffa sponges with soap in them and thought it was a good gift idea. The sponges are cut into hand-sized pieces and stood on the cut end and soap is poured into the open pores. I do not know how the bottom end is sealed, maybe there's plastic wrap around each piece held with a rubber band. Yahoo groups has several soap related lists. Perhaps we could find more info there. Good question Ann!

-- Charleen in WNY (, October 16, 2001.

Looked up the answer in the book "Essentially Soap" by Dr. Robert McDaniel, and it states that soap was poured into a luffa, which was tightly wrapped with plastic wrap to prevent the soap from leaking out before solidifying, and that it was cut with a serated knife after it was solid. I imagine that they mean the whole luffa was wrapped up with the plastic, not just the end. You could use elastic bands around it to hold it on tightly. This sounds like something I will have to try!

Hope this helps!

-- Judy L. (, October 16, 2001.

Note to self: 1. Plant luffa vines on Chicken coop next spring.

2. Get goats.

4. milk goats

5. Make soap and put in luffa.

-- Ann Markson (, October 16, 2001.

Ann, I have done this before. If you place a small piece of cling wrap around the bottom and secure with a rubber band and set it up in a muffin tin then fill the bottom with an inch of soap then let it set and harden. When it is harden continue to fill the luffa (depending on how tall the luffa ) two to four inches at a time until full. Make sure the previous pouring of soap is dry. Hope this helps.

-- Micheale from SE Kansas (, October 16, 2001.

Wow, it sounds like I've been doing this the hard way. I save the plastic containers that the Red Devil lye comes in and use them. I cut the top off and put the luffa inside, then pour in the soap. When the soap hardens I cut off the plastic container and slice the luffa into rounds with a serrated knife. The plastic wrap sounds a lot easier though.

-- Sherri C (, October 16, 2001.

Ooooh!! Oooooh! (hand raised bouncing in my computer chair) Canadian Living had a knit or crochetted washing mitt pattern that called for cotton craft yarn. You can slip a bar of soap in with your hand and scrub a dub dub. I Looooooove home made wash cloths..they exfoliate without being as scratchy as a loofah. If you contact Canadian Living online they may be able to come up with the pattern for ya.

-- Alison in N.S. (, October 17, 2001.

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