AGAI AGAIN AND AGAIN : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

and i will keep on saying it until we have a central midfielder who can work box to box, can pass and drive the side forward we will struggle.

Spurs taught us a lesson in passing and Acuna and Speed were chasing shadows

-- Anonymous, October 21, 2001


we need two

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

It's not just the players we need, its back to basics mate.....

We were taught a valuable lesson. The lesson of, 'never to worry about an away team after just winning 4-0 away. The fact is, before the match THEY WERE WORRYING MORE ABOUT US, THAN WE WERE THEM, we should have took advantage......

If only, we had have just played our normal game - 44 bloody 2, and did not give them the psychological advantage of us trying to accomodate them.........

and, Bobby and the back room were not scared of teams on paper and then concentrated on the positive possesion psychology aspect........


Do you see fergie accomodating other teams at Old trafford? Did you see Keegan doing the accomodating at St James???? Do you like shiting toffee?

We lost because we give them a psychological boost, and crippled our psychological momentum, not because of the players.......

However Carrick, or Dunn will do very nicely though....

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2001

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