Has anyone else responded to the Stuff-4-Kidss ad in the back of CS?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My wife sent the SASE and we got it back today. From what I read so far it seems on the up & up. I wondered if anyone here actually tried it and If YES did you get paid as it says on the letter?

I can see how the lady that ran the ad gets paid. I guess if your out in the boonies and have a lot of free time you could make some of the bibs. But wouldn't it take 70 hours to make the 5 sets she talks about? Gee We just don't have an extra 70 hours a week.

Maybe ya'll can shed some light on it.

-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), October 22, 2001


Most of these are not on the up and up. Usually, they say something like, "It isn't up to our expectations on 4 of the 5. We can only pay you for one". That is if you are lucky. The question is...Do you have to pay then something to work for them? If so, RUN.

-- Laura (LauraLeekis@home.com), October 22, 2001.

If anyone has problems with an advertiser, please let us know and we'll check it out.

-- Anne-marie (annemarie@tds.net), October 23, 2001.


Yep theres a $29.95 plus $5.00 s&h for the "Starter Kit" basically you get the pattern and a design for the $35. YOU have to secure the materials to make the bibs. You may be right, I guess they could turn down some of them and "keep" the bad ones after all it'd cost them $1 to mail them back to you.

My wife was hoping that someone here had gave them a try. Most of the work-at-home stuff is bs.

The only one that paid us to date was "LIFE WATER". But it's really a sales job. You make a decent commission but it's not technically work- at-home.

-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), October 26, 2001.

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