link between Reality theory & Control theory? : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread

I am learning about Willam Glasser's "Reality theory", "control theory" and "choice theory". I can see how "control theroy" evolves into "choice", but how is the "reality theory" (the 5 needs) related to the "control theory"?

Thanks a lot. Your clarification will mean a lot to me! carol

-- Carol Chung (, October 26, 2001



Reality theory is Reality Therapy- there is no Reality theory. Reality therapy is putting into action Choice Theory.

-- Shari Weyenberg (, November 03, 2001.

In relation to control, I believe it's controling yourself, not others.

-- June Jones (, April 21, 2003.

I believe it's controling yourself, not others.

-- June Jones (, April 21, 2003.

There is a reality Theory. It's William Glassers. I'm learning about it right now in my graduate study. I just don't have enough info. to answer your question. However, I wanted to clear up the other persons answer. That, yes, there is a Reality THEORY!

-- jodie Faltynski (, September 22, 2004.

I know very little about this.. but from Glassers book he himself says that originally he used the term " control theory" but it is misleading and replaced the word control with reality.

-- C. Sage (, September 27, 2004.

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