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Computer system causing city woesOver $110,000 spent on unusable unit, mayor says By SHEILA WRIGHT Log Cabin Staff Writer
Thursday, October 25, 2001
The state of Arkansas isn't the only entity with a computer system that doesn't work. The city of Conway has computer software woes on a smaller scale.
Mayor Tab Townsell advised the City Council of the problem on Tuesday.
Townsell said the committee working on Y2K compliance in 1999 bought a computer system from HTE Inc. of Lake Mary, Fla., for the municipal court to use in 1999. It was installed and, according to Townsell, every time someone tried to use it, more problems would emerge.
To date, the city has paid $110,000 for the computer system and still can't use it, Townsell said.
Townsell said the city stopped paying for the computer service in January, sending the company a letter saying the company needed to fulfill its part of the bargain by providing the agreed-upon training for city employees.
In June, another letter was sent and the trainer was supposed to come in September.
Because of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks the training was rescheduled for October.
Townsell said the company called and reported the trainer was sick and wanted to reschedule in February.
Townsell said he wanted to make the council aware of the situation and asked for a recommendation of what to do. The council voted to pursue legal action to get the amount back that the city has already paid.
City Attorney Michael Murphy said the city will first pursue mitigation or arbitration, which are less costly than taking the matter to court.
(Staff Writer Sheila Wright may be reached by phone at 505-1240 or by e-mail at
-- Martin Thompson (, October 26, 2001