Ticket for tomorrow

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Right. Jonno can't come tomorrow so if anyone needs a ticket, it's available (Gallowgate Lower). If anyone already has a ticket and would like to go with partner or mate, then they can have mine as I sit next to Jonno and I'll have theirs. Or else, I've no doubt the lovely Screacher can be prevailed upon to sit next to me. For those who've taken up Jonno's seat before, the bloke who's always going to the bog is still there as is "Come on Newcastle" but the key addition to the Lower Gallowgate Dramatis Personae is a dad and his son who has the foulest mouth I've ever heard: it's quite something when you learn new words off an 8-year old.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001


Any Takers?

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Mebbes I could swap around , as im not sure where Min or Steph sit and having been a Gallowgate ender all me life it would be cannyto be there .. mind you im not fussed where I sit or who im next too as long as Im there . If its still free in the Strawberry tomorra then we could do some jigging around ;-)

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Leazes NW Corner - just below the away fans.

Steph's in the Milburn Paddock Library right by the pitch if i'm not much mistaken?1


-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

I'm in the NW corner too (near True), but seeing as Min's gonna be there tomorrow (he's not far away from me as well apparently, as is Kats), I've swapped! I'm gonna risk life, limb and a fair few bruises (not what you're thinking Mr Gus) and take Jonno's spare. My cuz will be in my seat (which is Dougal's really). Unless we just hoy the tix in a big pile in the Straabeery and pick any one.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

.......oh aye, it's going to be one of those infamous ticket-swapping parties eh? I blame Sting mesell - soon as he shows his face there's ticket-swapping gannin on! ;o{)

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

Just 'cos you're not invited Clarky, there's nee need to get like that. <8~)

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

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