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a babel fish transltion -- this was translated from german.
Poison in Manhattan
A study of the New Yorker state government shows that the area is contaminated around the ruin of the World trade of center. The population experienced of it so far only from the newspaper
Eva Schweitzer
New York, 2 November. The Stuyvesant Highschool in Downtown Manhattan, only few hundred meters far away from the smoking ruin of the World trade of center, was six weeks long closed. Now it was again opened, but are enough possibly not for: Some dozen of pupils and also teachers complains about difficulty in breathing, nose bleeding, hurting eyes or headache. " My eyes water, my nose run and I can hardly breathe ", say Abbie Zamcheck, which attends the school.Smile and being silent
Harold Levy, which means highest school advice of New York, goes, nothing would give to fear it: Pollutant measurements would have resulted in, if necessary no environmental poisons in considerable quantity an easy increase of the carbon dioxide content of air. It does not have an assertion for the complaints of the pupils, but it will arrange still more measurements, approximately for fiber glass, which probably likewise is in air.
Also the tenants in TriBeCa south the Canal Street or in Battery park town center, the satelite town, which was established behind the World trade center, complain about problems. " If we go to outside, we that somewhat cannot be correct, " smell meant an artist from the Duane Street with a meeting of the town planner company Municipal type Society passed week. " But the coworkers of the city, which measure the air quality, smile in each case and are silent, if one asks them for it. "
Lisa Garcia operates for the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), an organization, which worries among other things about environmental protection. The office of NYPIRG is situated between the city hall and the World trade center ruin. Also before the door of the office it smells rather unhealthily, and also Garcia already tries for several weeks, during the city administration to come to measured values for air pollutants. Now she found a consultant to the New York University, which has the technical configuration, to make own measurements.
But that is not necessary perhaps any longer, because quite unexpectedly there were now nevertheless responses, which could explain the complaints of the ruin adjacents resident: Air directly around the misfortune place contains pollutants of any sort, the far over admissible limit values. So rather each well-known environmental poison was blown by lead over dioxin, chrome and copper up to the dangerous PCBs with the impact into air, experienced those " DAILY News ", which got an internal report of the new Yorker state government passed on, which the environmental protection agency Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had compiled.
" Catastrophically "
According to the report the lead values are situated in the roads around the ruin around the three-way over the admissible limit values of 1,5 micro gram per cubic meter. The sulfur dioxide proportion is more than twice as high as of the EPA determined limit value, which the Agency had already classified " as very " unhealthy. Because of 18 September it was even over the EPA own classification as " catastrophic ". The PCB values are seven times as highly as admissible, the benzene value are situated partly around the 60fache over the maximum limit of a particle per million. The air, also the soil and the water of the close Hudson River, which was already beforehand loaded, are not only contaminated. And more still than pupils, teachers or tenants the workers are concerned, who take away the debris directly from the misfortune place.
Not all workers carry protective masks. And also the firefighters, who operate for weeks " on the Ground " zero, are in danger. From that approximately 11,000 feuerwehrmaennern of the city in the meantime 4,000 complains about chronic coughs, more than 100 is ill. Only fewer than 100 firefighters are on the day locally - there is nobody to save more.
The fact that " Ground zero " proves now as source of poison is not surprising. With the explosion of the World trade of center kubikmeterweise optical waveguide cables and computer monitors are burned, material, which normally becomes as special refuse entsorgt. Unusual is however the information policy of the city. The city administration is obligated to inform the public about dangers.
The fact that she did not do it led now to the fact that the fear and hysteria in the city became still larger. Because the new Yorker does not only have fear of the pollutants from the ruin. They are afraid also of spleen fire and of bombs. A woman employee in a hospital in the Bronx died at lung spleen fire, the first deadly case in New York. And underground courses are stopped again and again by the police, because there are impact threats. The city is energized enormous. All wait for the fact that again something occurs.
The faith lost
Start of the week warned now the US Government officially that soon something can occur - only which, one does not know. The short phase of stubborn rebelling of the new Yorker citizens after the impact is past. Also the strong solidarity of the first weeks is there. Humans are disconcerted today and feel alone. After an inquiry the New York Times it believes only 35 per cent of the population that the government does enough, in order to repel an attack with bio weapons. 53 per cent are afraid a new attack. The life does not continue.
-- (perry@ofuzzy1.com), November 03, 2001
This is really hard to read, but I get the drift. This is a subject the media has not reported on yet. It stands to reason that, with these Ground Zero fires still burning six weeks later, a tremendous level of ordinary pollutants would have been released into the air by now. Nothing headline-making, now, but in future years I'll bet longevity figures of New Yorkers will be altered to a considerably shorter life span, especially for those who both live and work on the island.
-- Chance (fruitloops@hotmail.com), November 03, 2001.
Jeez - who wrote that, and what language is it in? Any translators on this board who can do Gibberish-->English?
-- write (in@english.please), November 03, 2001.
German subject/verb relationships take a little getting used to.
-- Sam (Wtrmkr52@aol.com), November 04, 2001.