Favorite Board Games

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What are some of your favorite games to play? We all love games, but don't play them often until cold weather is upon us. This is the time of year that we start pulling them out again. We have a cupboard full of games and every year for Christmas I buy a few new ones for the family. My all time favorite is Scrabble.

-- Melissa (cmnorris@1st.net), November 13, 2001


I really like the game Dutch Blitz, usually you can get it at a christian book store or through a mailing order. Its really fun, and four or eight people can play . Great for family get togethers or a fun night for anyone. I also like Pit, BIg Boogle, guess who ( though its been years since i'v played it. There are lots of games. But the Underwood game favorite would be ROOK, all the men get together and sit for hours. (sigh).

-- jillian (sweetunes483@yahoo.com), November 13, 2001.

I love to play Clue. I hate to play Monopoly, but in a house full of men, it is a favorite. And, my husband and his brothers love to play Rook too. All of us women, just leave the house!

-- Ivy in NW AR (balch84@cox-internet.com), November 13, 2001.

I vote with Melissa: Scrabble. Anybody for playing it in Portuguese? "Palavras cruzadas."

-- Randal (randal@rhyme.cjb.net), November 13, 2001.

Scrabble-depending on whose playing, Backgammon, Phase 10-mostly with nmy MIL, Sorry, Yahtzee In a group-Balderdash, Pictionary

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (atilrthehony@countrylife.net), November 13, 2001.

Nothing like a good game of euchre.

-- vicki in NW OH (thga76@aol.com), November 13, 2001.

Oh, I see it was board games, how about Parchessi (spelling?)-always played it at Grandma's with the cousins.

-- vicki in NW OH (thga76@aol.com), November 13, 2001.

vicki in NW Ohio, definitely euchre for card games.

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (atilrthehony@countrylife.net), November 13, 2001.

Hello Melissa, Meli and I play S-C-R-A-B-B-L-E a couple of times a week. We alternate with an occasional CHESS game too! Sincerely, Ernest

-- http://communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), November 13, 2001.

On one to one games -when one child is sick or in need of attention- we play chess or Mancala-its a games with little stones and I like it becuase its fairly quick-just to fill that last bit of time before supper or bedtime. In groups its Scabble or Uno-Oh, Uno is cards! Mostly though we go more for jigsaw puzzles-I even bought a table in the living room just for puzzles!

-- Kelly in Ky (ksaderholm@yahoo.com), November 13, 2001.

I love Phase 10. But I get to play "Aurther goes to the Library and Candy Land "everyday!!!!

-- Micheale from SE Kansas (mbfrye@totelcsi.net), November 13, 2001.

I also love Scrabble. Once I was so proud of myself-used all those letters and made the word "quieted". My brother challenged and disqualified it because "quieted" is not in the dictionary!! Now ya'll tell me you've never quieted the children--I know I'm right-lol!

-- mary (marylgarcia@aol.com), November 13, 2001.

Micheala, we don't play Phase 10 in order-like on the card. We either play 'anyway we want' or 'in the dark'-we pick what wwe're going for before we pick up our cards. Makes it a little more exciting and harder.

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (atilrthehony@countrylife.net), November 13, 2001.

I have never heard of Phase 10 or Rook.

My kids love to play Yahtzee, checkers, PAYDAY, and once in a while Monopoly.

My brothers, sister,and I used to play Monopoly games for DAYS!!!! We would leave it and come back, over and over.

A new one we like is "Trivia for Dummies", I picked it up at a discount store for Christmas, for about $4 and it was well worth the price!!!

-- Melissa (me@home.ent), November 13, 2001.

Anyone for Pictionary? Pit is fun, also. Anyone heard of Spoons? My family likes to go for the "lively" games at get-to-gathers. My husband and I play Rummy, when I can talk him into a game.

-- Janet in Kansas (whisperingpines@terraworld.net), November 13, 2001.

Pictionary, Canadian Monopoly, Checkers, chess, Sorry, and UNO are favourites here. My favourite is Scrabble, especially with my dad and my sister. We play hard and no mercy and have a lot of fun with it. Christmas money from Grandma will go toward new games--I really want to get Mancala and...oh, what's the name of that one where you hide 4 coloured pegs and the other person has to guess the colours and what order they're in?

-- Cathy N. (keeper8@attcanada.ca), November 13, 2001.

spades is fun, I like playing yahtzee, I get that from mom. I like monopoly, I don't get to play to many games these days but I really should start

-- mindy (speciallady@countrylife.net), November 13, 2001.

Cathy, it is called Mastermind! The kids love this one too. It is a lot of fun.

-- Melissa (me@home.net), November 13, 2001.

Othello, chess, mancala, Risk once in a great while.

-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), November 13, 2001.

Janet--Spoons! I haven't played that for the longest time. Me and my friends used to play that when we were teenagers. It would get so rowdy. Spoons flying half way across the room!

-- vicki in NW OH (thga76@aol.com), November 13, 2001.


-- Iris (Sar_India@msn.com), November 13, 2001.


-- Jo (mamamia2kids@msn.com), November 13, 2001.

We had to pack up games because of a remodel project and these are the games my 13 yr. old demanded be left out in a special place: UNO, yahtzee, clue, monopoly, skipbo. This question has given me some new ideas for games to buy!!!

-- DW (djwallace@ctos.net), November 13, 2001.

Trivial Pursuit!!! Scrabble, Phase Ten. We also play Phase Ten in different ways to make it more challenging.

-- Barb Fischer (bfischer42@hotmail.com), November 14, 2001.

Actually, Boggle is my favorite, I would play it daily if I could find other players that regulary ;) but I wasn't sure if it qualified as a board game.

-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), November 14, 2001.

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