Poster You'd Most Like To Meet : LUSENET : ILE Awards Nominations : One Thread

for whatever reason.

-- Groke (, November 15, 2001


All of them, even Doomie.

-- james (, November 15, 2001.


-- Anon (, November 15, 2001.


-- ahoy there (, November 15, 2001.

dave q

-- anonymous (, November 15, 2001.

anthony. only because I think I've met everyone else!

-- annonymous (, November 15, 2001.


-- Graham (, November 15, 2001.

Dave Q, Menelaus Darcy, Rainy, Jess, Will except I've already met him.

-- Mark C (, November 15, 2001.

dave q

-- The voice of reason (, November 15, 2001.

The boy Carmody.

-- Marcello Carlin (, November 15, 2001.


-- anonymous (, November 15, 2001.

Jess. Preferably in a pub.

-- RickyT (, November 15, 2001.

All of them with one exception?

-- Anonny (, November 15, 2001.

Peter Miller

Marcello Carlin

-- Mark C (, November 15, 2001.

Oh yes - and Nicole.

-- The voice of reason (, November 15, 2001.

the dunedin posse, preferably in a hot tub

-- a nonnymouse (, November 15, 2001.

The Dunedin crew!

-- Will (, November 15, 2001.


-- come here my pretty (outside@school.gates), November 15, 2001.


-- katie (, November 15, 2001.

The Theban Horde

-- anthony (, November 15, 2001.

Tim, Tracer [who I've already met, tho] coz we'd go clubbing.

-- Sterling Clover (, November 15, 2001.

Dave Q or Ally I think

-- chris (, November 15, 2001.

I wouldn't mind having a drink with any of you but in particular Ronan, Rainy, Toraneko, Ethan and Ally NY spring to mind.

-- Samantha (, November 15, 2001.

The Australia/NZ crowd, without question, if only to even out the US/UK folks I've encountered already (and who I think are all way cool).

-- Ned Raggett (, November 15, 2001.

Dave Q.

-- DG (, November 15, 2001.

I think maybe this award should distinguish between people you'd like to meet like once to find out what the hell they're like, and people you think you'd actually think might be great to hang out with. Then again, maybe it shouldn't.

-- Nick (, November 15, 2001.

None coz' I'm shy and retiring. Otherwise Robin C, Dr C and Marcello C.

-- Billy Dods (, November 15, 2001.

jess, ethan, nick, mel, josh

-- mitch lasttimeididthisiwasdrunk (, November 15, 2001.

anthony, rainy, ethan, josh, madchen

-- Tracer Hand (, November 15, 2001.

Ned, Tom, Omar, Pinefox, T. Hopkins, "Mick" Jones, Mark S, Robin, D.J Martian, Billy D, nOrMaN.

-- Dr. C (, November 15, 2001.

rainy, maryann, ethan, menelaus are the ones i'd like to meet and wouldn't be scared of. then there's anthony, suzy, jess, and sarah.

-- Maria (, November 15, 2001.

Kate St. Claire.

-- Ally (, November 15, 2001.

omar, Billy Dods, Dr. C, Robin C.

-- stevo (, November 15, 2001.

IR choosing fatnick :)

-- Gale Deslongchamps (, November 15, 2001.

IR Choosing the rest of this list too! :) Gale

-- Gale Deslongchamps (, November 15, 2001.

I read this as: Poster You'd Most Like To Eat, which actually doesn't alter my answer.

Meet > Like > Bite:

This is just my top eleven in no particular order because I would actually like to meet all of you:

jess, Samantha, Nick Dastoor, mark s, Sleepy Seaplane, Maria, Ned, Tom, DG, Toraneko, 11235.

-- rainy (, November 15, 2001.

fatnick, DG, katie, kate, ally, anthony, hanle y and mark s.

-- di (, November 15, 2001.

oh and i forgot suzy and maria

-- di (, November 15, 2001.

i would like to coleridge to Geoffs Wordsworth . Beccause i am a filthy decadent bugger.

-- anthony (, November 15, 2001.


-- (, November 15, 2001.

Oh stop pining would you Duane...

-- Menelaus Darcy (, November 15, 2001.

pinefox and doomie: that all possible onweb heat melt into real-life bonhomie (or else to prove that even when they gang up i can lick em haha)

special mention: the ILE grey panthers viz dr c, norman phay, arthur, lesley higgins, gales deslongchamps, billy dods, duane, koganshi i haf known lo these [xx] yrs but nevah seen in trembling flesh, nickn (marcello of course i know)

i wanna to go to dunedin but phear if i do that the Palomar Pals prove to be a bunch of pranksters at technical college in rickmansworth boohoo

-- mark s (, November 16, 2001.

Rebecca oh yes.

-- Sarah (, November 16, 2001.

Hanle y.

-- Ally C (, November 16, 2001.

I have no grey. A wee bit of white yes, but definitely not grey.

-- Billy Dods (, November 16, 2001.

the pinefox, Tom, nathalie, jess, rainy

-- Jeff (, November 16, 2001.

Leaving out names I've already seen: Andrew L, Kris

-- sundar subramanian (, November 16, 2001.

Oh well if only the 5 most-nominated go through: Josh, Nick, Tom

-- sundar subramanian (, November 16, 2001.

Ally, Dan, Tom, Mike Daddino and Fred Solinger only cause I've known them longest and my curiosity is piqued. I would love to hang out with all, though.

-- Nicole (, November 16, 2001.

At this point it's worth mentioning those I've already met: Tom, Ned, Momus, David Huntsman (if anyone here can remember him), RickyT (for about 10 seconds, admittedly), Stevie Trousse, Tim Hopkins, K-reg, Magnus, DG, Pete, Michael Jones ... there might possibly be others I can't remember.

Of those unseen: Marcello, and I would have mentioned him even if he hadn't mentioned me. Second choice would be Norman Fay.

-- Robin Carmody (, November 16, 2001.

i think it would be cool to hang out with otiswheeler

-- gareth (, November 17, 2001.

Anthony, Sundar, Kim, Doomie. On their home turf. It's near Xmas and I'm a lonely exile.

-- dave q (, November 17, 2001.


-- anthony (, November 17, 2001.

Tracer Hand cause he looks like a Jew. Marcello Carlin.

-- 0 (5@6.7), November 17, 2001.

one of these days i'd like to meet myself.

-- Geoff (, November 19, 2001.

I'd say Ally, for probably the same reasons Ally said Kate.

-- Nitsuh (, November 20, 2001.

Sterling, 'cos he's already volunteered to go clubbing with me, bless his soul.

-- Tim (, November 20, 2001.

Dan and Ned, 'cos I missed them when they visited, curses (especially Dan, we should get our own Minneapolis Bitch thread). Nitsuh, Tracer, Ally, Kerry. Marcello, definitely. Nicole, certainly. *All* of the Theban Horde. Katie seems well cool. Dunedin posse grrrlz due to shared thrift-shopping gene. And last but not least, Maria.

-- suzy (, November 20, 2001.

Dan and Ned, 'cos I missed them when they visited, curses

Aw. :-) Well, the feeling is definitely mutual there. Make an excuse to visit LA!

-- Ned Raggett (, November 20, 2001.

I and maybe we are visting L.A. in June , partially to meet ned , who still owes me judy

-- anthony (, November 21, 2001.

Fret not, good sir, it is En Route as of Monday, at long last. Look for it shortly!

-- Ned Raggett (, November 21, 2001.

And Suzy, Ned, Dan, Tim F., Ian, FatNick for maybe just a minute or two, Gale very certainly but with the same caveat as FatNick, DaveR, and I keep forgetting to include Tom in my nomination-thought- process.

I can't believe I said Ally above, though, when it was so clearly my duty to say Suzy.

-- Nitsuh (, November 21, 2001.

And Anthony!

-- Nitsuh (, November 21, 2001.

Mitch and Alan! - because the LAST thing that we would ever do is just sit around playing horrible, dull card games.

-- Kim (, November 21, 2001.

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