Grass Stains : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

OK, short of giving away my son, which is probably illegal in this state, what in the world can I do about all the grass stains in his blue jeans???

They are very nice jeans, but the knees are horrible. He plays hard at recess, and comes home every day with big stains. I am embarrassed to send him back to school with knees that are GREEN. I know a scrub brush with dish soap doesn't work!! I will be going shopping tomorrow, so if I need to buy anything this would be a good time to find out!! Please Help!!!!

-- Melissa (, November 15, 2001


I have had very good luck with Shout! It is a pre-stainer and I've even gotten blood out with it. You'll find it in the detergent area of the store.

-- Ardie/WI (, November 15, 2001.

Melissa, I know the feeling!! My youngest child is in a private school and they all wore Navy pants until this 6th grade and up wear tan pants!! Maybe for the girls this works but for a 12 year old boy those knees are a mess!! My son is also one that can leave the house looking fresh and clean. by the time he arrives at school, shirt is untucked, he has gotten grubby he looks like a active 12 year old cyclone! Oh well if I have learned anything from my 20 year old son this will change when he discovers girls! I have found that "Shout" does a good job for most of the stains. Good Luck Denise

-- Denise K. (, November 15, 2001.

What is really embarrassing is that I get my jeans grassed stained so, and I'm 42 years old!!!

The only thing that really works well is using an enzyme pre soak, it is a boxed powder that Clorox and others sell. It has to have enzymes in it to work good, it's the enzymes that break down organic source stains like grass, blood and food stains.

For not too heavy grass stains, any good name brand pre treat spray works, the best for me has been Spray and Wash.

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, November 15, 2001.

Its very simple, put the scrub brush and soap where it belongs, in your sons hands, procede....

-- mitch hearn (, November 15, 2001.

He has done this Mitch, and of his own initiative. But plain old soap just doesn't seem to work!! I don't want to tell him he can't play at recess,as I feel he should have fun playing.

Annie, my jeans are usually a mess too, but I have some that are just for old, so I don't care!!! I don't spend much time in my "good" jeans, just to go to the store and back, so they last a long time. The old ones are patched and stained, beyond embarrassment!!

Thanks for the help. I didn't want to spend money on something that didn't work. But it is cheaper to buy a stain treating product, than to buy new jeans...

-- Melissa (, November 15, 2001.

You might try presoaking with pineapple juice brushed on the stains before hand, pineapple juice is a great enzime for meat tenderizing, it might work for glass stains, try it on a test patch first.

-- mitch hearn (, November 15, 2001.

rubbing alcohol usually works pretty good on grass stains. Lemon juice not too bad either.

-- Dave (, November 15, 2001.

I use Stain Stick. It works for just about everything.

-- Jo (, November 15, 2001.

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