"separation anxiety"

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poodle Support Group : One Thread

our toy pooh...age 7(mn)...becomes despondent when left alone...nothing destructive...but when boarded with vet...does not eat & sulks...even when left alone for short periods...he sulks & ignores our reappearance...he soon responds to our responds to us...but we feel really guilty...especially on long trips (hawaii} when we of course can't take him along...we plan to leave him at home this time...about 10 days...with our son (age 22)...but his schedule varies from ours...sleeps days & works/plays nights...our pooh sleeps with us...i'm not big on medications (prozac,etc) but would like to lessen by pet's discomfort.....suggestions?/comments!

-- Anonymous, November 15, 2001


separation anxiety

This is purely MY opinion, and is not backed by anything other than some 30+- years of dog experience. Dogs do not have a concept of time. This is why I get the same happy greeting when I return from taking out the trash as I do when I have been gone all day at work. I would like more information on exactly what your dog does that makes you think that it is "sulking." I can't imagine that a dog would be able to learn to be that manipulative that it would figure out a way to make you feel one way or the other. And the big question for me is why you would not feel entitled to trips to Hawaii or anywhere else. You provide this dog with wonderful care, it sleeps in the bed and clearly you love it dearly. My dogs sleep about 18 to 20 hours out of 24 and don't have a clue whether I am going out to make money to provide them with fresh meat and medical care or going out on a date (as if THAT ever happens!)I am certain that Pooh will be just fine with young son caring for him. Enjoy your trips to Hawaii. Your dog is not distributing guilt and he is not sulking. He will eat, he will drink, and he will be just fine.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2001

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