Leica Days

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Considering the state of the general worldwide economy as well as recent and current events, in your opinion can we look forward an extension of Leica days in the year 2002? Maybe another Leica sales promotion to motavate cautious buyers?

-- Brooks (Bvonarx@home.com), November 20, 2001


Actually, it's funny you should ask. Two weeks ago (at a Leica Day), the rep said word has come down (I wasn't clear whether from NY or Solms) not to schedule any Leica Days past March 2002, and that the current rebates come off Dec. 31 and won't be renewed.

Could be a come-on to boost current sales, though.

-- Andy Piper (apidens@denver.infi.net), November 21, 2001.

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