Goats for sale

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American Pygmy Goats for sale . Location MA. if interested please email at tteed@charter.net

-- Therese (tteed@charter.net), November 20, 2001


I have seen these goats, and they are BEAUTIFUL!

-- Sandie in Maine (peqbear@maine.rr.com), November 20, 2001.

there are 2 males and there are 4 females or so and we are expecting ALOT of Babys in the spring.they have beautiful colors and they are very nice the babys are good pets for children it helps them develop responsibility.For the children it is best to get the goats as babies.They are Pygmy goats.there is minimal angora in the genes.Please reply for more info as they are wonderful goats.

-- other (aubrey56@maine.rr.com), November 21, 2001.

Thanks Sandie Just to let a little info out there on the goats .

We have been raising these goats for about four years now . We started with two because when we bought our home we had poison Ivy from one end of the place to the other . A friend at the time was breeding these goats and she told us they just Love the stuff . So we of course went out and bought two of the cutest little goats out there . Well to make a long story short,two cute goats shortly turned into three . Then the three females went into heat and we mated them and three turned into seven then so on and so on . So here we are today finding ourselves every spring selling some cute little goats . In the past I have tacked a sign out front and people would stop and check out the goats and before we knew it the babies would all be sold . A dear friend of ours visits this sight often and said I should list the goats here,so I am giving it a try .

I have two male bucks that I am going to sell .They are two years old. There is a black male with some grey on his shoulders . There is also a real nice white male who is two also . Both of these bucks have produced great offspring . There is angora in the line ,their grandmother was angora . It does show up every now and then . I also have two females for sale . One female is three years old and she has a little one who is the spitting image of her for sale also . Both are white ,the little female is going on six months of age . Come April there will be some new little ones in the pen . They say goats have what two to three babies . We have one female who has 4-5 each time she gives birth . Our vet said he has never seen a goat like her . All goats have been wormed and have had rabies and their tetnus shots . They are all dehorned as well . Neither male or females have been fixed . They all have wonderful calm dispositions . They are sweet things . If there is anything that I have missed ,feel free to ask .

Just to let it be known I would not sell them for slaughter . I know it may sound prudish but these goats all do hold a special place in my heart and slaughter is I am sure a common thing ,but I am not one to do it . Therese

-- therese (tteed@charter.net), November 21, 2001.

So they are actually pygoras?

-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), November 22, 2001.

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