Guardiola : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Apparently tested positive for Nandrolone.

I didn't want him anyway, but I'm even more glad we stayed away now.

-- Anonymous, November 22, 2001


Apparently Positive

-- Anonymous, November 22, 2001

Most players in Europe would probably test positive the way things are going. Is nandrolone in any normal medical remedies that the players may use?

-- Anonymous, November 22, 2001

Wasn't it shown that under high levels of exercise and high vitamin intake, that the human body could generate nandrolone itself?

-- Anonymous, November 22, 2001

stick him in a cell with king

-- Anonymous, November 22, 2001

I wonder how it is that Premiership players aren't testing positive? Players in Italy seem to be dropping like flies. Do we test for Nandrolone?

-- Anonymous, November 22, 2001

Too much Red Bull.

-- Anonymous, November 23, 2001

probably prohormones - which are precursors to anabolic steroids but are still legal to buy.

-- Anonymous, November 23, 2001

There was an article in the ST last w/e all about drugs in Italian footy. They players seem to turn a blind eye to the pills and injections they are give by their club doctors.

-- Anonymous, November 23, 2001

Can't you get drugs for blind eyes?

-- Anonymous, November 23, 2001

Nandrolone is freely available at any gym, just ask the muscleheads for Deca-Durabolin.

It's an excellent steroid for recovery of muscle injuries, possibly the best. They say it's aids the joints and ligaments for muscle growth.

Only problem is it's an Oil based steriod, and remains detectable in the blood for sometimes more than a year. Masking agents can be used to beat the test for it.

Funny how a lot of the players who have tested positive over the past year have come back from an injury at some point in the previous year......

-- Anonymous, November 23, 2001

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