meeting in Switzerland? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Who knows more about the meeting in Switzerland from 27th of July to 4th of August in 2002?

-- André B. (, November 27, 2001


-----------Here is the email sent to egroups---------------- hi all one month ago the group started talking about a mv-week, a roundtrip thru switzerland, france, germany, italy from the 27. july - 4. august 2002. laurent and myself will show you the best of the best roads! it will include passes thru the alps (at least 20 different ones) with thousands of corners - narrow ones, wide ones, closing-up ones, bumpy ones, smooth ones and with-cowshit-plastered ones..., right up to 2500m (7500ft) above sea level. it will have high speed sections and corners in france and germany. it will include the 1. august (swiss national day) with big fireworks and fiesta's everywhere. of course we gonna visit the mv factory in italy. so far the following mv owners will definitively be here for this event: - phil wood uk - mike hughes uk - brian evans (with two friends) usa - ruedi baehler ch (if he gets his senna by then...) - meinrad humm ch - thomy bosch ch - brian collins uk/ch - laurent gaberell ch (organizer) - myself ch (organizer) so guys - start to save money and join us. and don't worry, swissair will be flying by then again... bikes can be rented (but no mv's) see ya FA18 Peter Spörri --------------------End-------------------------- I cannot get Peter's email address so contact Laurent and he can give you more details. I believe they are gauging how many people will be involved at the moment. They will have concrete plans and cost by February and also need commitments by then.

-- mod (, November 28, 2001.

From a previous post.

-- Laurent GABERELL (

-- mod (, January 28, 2002.


Do you have Laurent's e-mail address or any of the other organiser's one?



-- Hans (, January 27, 2002.

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