Back to Normal : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Good Morning Everyone! I hope everyone who had viruses has gotten their computer back to normal by now. I do hope that I haven't in any way contributed to the problem, but I have run several scans and as far as I can tell, I have no problems.

One person (notnow) has said they received an e-mail from an address similiar to mine, but I don't know if it was exactly the same or not. I must say that this is causing me to be way more careful with my e-mail.

The irony is that after the anthrax scare, many people have started to pay their bills on-line, and this virus seems to take advantage of this by screening for passwords and cc numbers. It is a problem not just on Lusenet forums but all over the web as well.

So I hope everyone is "fixed" and we can get back to our country topics!

-- Melissa (, November 29, 2001

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