Geneaology : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Noticed that there have been some discussion about this on here. Are there are helpful web sites for this? Can you do a search for information on line or do you have to go direct to records offices etc.

A member of my family is doing a family tree so if anyone can advise it would be appreciated.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2001


Try the 'Genealogy' category in the 'Older Category' section Lynda. Haven't looked myself, but there was a fair bit of input from Galaxy and others when it was active a while back.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2001

is about the best around.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2001

Thanks I'll pass it on. If anyone else sees this please also post any helpful hints.

-- Anonymous, November 29, 2001

Lynda - I would recommend contacting Galaxy for advice how to proceed. She has done a lot of work on her FT.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

i think mine'd be quite a challenge. For starters:

Father - birthplace: Berlin
Mother - birthplace: Tel Aviv
Father's father : Rogowo (Poland)
Father's mother : Torun (Poland)
Mother's father : Russia
Mother's mother : Vienna.

Oh yeah - me: Fenham.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

... would that be Fenham, Uzbekistan by any chance, dan?

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Nice place that clarky....i met a lovely girl from there but that's another story :))

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

Anything's possible Dan:

Father - Westgate Grandfather - Shieldfield Great Grandmother - Quayside area err...Great Great Grandfather (and Grandmother)- Svine Estuary, Poland. :-)

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2001

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