Vendtu : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Vden0tu's post -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vden0tu Registered User posts: 1 (4/16/01 6:32:14 pm)

Reply | Edit | Del Re: gosh how very fascinating! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Sara I just popped in. Seen you helping with lost kids on timebomb but didn't know you body scanned. May I be so bold? I'm 40, male. Been feeling kinda weak- run down. I smoke and am going to quit soon. Kinda thought that was it... I did go hiking in the mountains the other day (live in Tucson), and did better than I thought, not too winded. - anyway no big hurry, when you got a chance. Thanks

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2979 (4/16/01 7:09:31 pm)

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Re: gosh how very fascinating! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will have to move this from lea's thread, as I get the information mingled..I's weird! hehehehe

(Welcome!) Inner Connections

Inner Connections

SAR01 ezOP posts: 2981 (4/16/01 7:22:48 pm)

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Re: Vden0tu's post -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 yr.old male

ok.... despite you smoking, I do not get damage...if you in fact quit, you will re-build lung tissue quickly. I get heartburn...(but you may have just eaten something I don't like! ) (sorry, that's how it works for me.) I get bad cluster headaches for you...I had to think on this, because it is a type of headache I don't think I ever had. more in the right side and toward the back.

I get muscle strains and tension that is carried in your shoulders. and Neck know that feeling like a "catch" in your neck when you turn your head too is like that.

I get pains intermittenly in my writs for you...maybe you play tennis or golf, something that I don't do, because I have never experienced this type of pain in my wrists before.

Funny, did you smash your nose???? I got this funny feeling with my nose!!!!

I don't feel anything major wrong, the tiredness or rundown is "worries" not anything I can find in the physical body.

Does any one this make sense to you????? let me know if you have a question.

Oooops, also, as I am signing off, I got a severe pain in the gallbladder area...and I don't have maybe yours acts up every now and then. Inner Connections

-- SAR01 (, November 30, 2001

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