software to enable cdr-rom to write dvd disk : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

hello does anyone know of any software which enable the cdrw-rom to write on dvd disk there is one site( for the price 0.01) which feature their ability to do so but a lefty sum of money

-- ngyuanping (, December 03, 2001


Sounds great, doesn't it? However, notice that nowhere do they say that you can burn DVD discs in your CDRW drive. This is the catch. Any CDRW drive can burn DVD format to CD-R/W discs using any DVD authoring package. The recording times are fairly low, maybe 12-23 minutes, depending on the bit rate you record at. Save your money. You CAN'T burn DVD blank discs on a CDRW drive. DVD blanks require a special laser to burn them and your CDRW drive can't do it. My guess is that they are simply telling you that you can burn DVD format to standard CD-R/W discs, which some of us already knew. DVD writer drives sell for about $520 US roughly, not the $5400 they listed. It's your choice, but I wouldn't send any money to anyone who's not even honest about how much DVD writers cost.

-- Jason (, December 03, 2001.

Well actaully the dvd authoring package i use is spruce dvd maestro which i use to make mini dvds. I only have a cd burner myself. This software actually accepts movie tracks which are also of videocd spec, (352/240, 352,288) which means you dont necessarily have to use the dvd spec (but You can use both at the same time). The only difference is sound, which has to be 48khz instead of the normal 44khz. This way you can fit over an hours video on a 80min cd. I personally use this to make my dynamic menus just like those on dvd films. Hope this maybe of some help. Let me know if you require more info.

-- sharky (, December 05, 2001.

Yes there is software that claims they can do it, but you dont dont need it. Why? Because I will tell you what they are probally selling. YOu cant burn a DVD using your CD-RW drive with blank DVDS. Instead just use regular blanks nad burn the DVD. Making sure that the DVD is in VCD format. It might take up 2 disks.

-- David D (, January 07, 2002.

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