Is it all over? : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

Aftr a year of constant (twice-monthly) harassment fom solicitors - requests to phone/threats of bankruptcy/refusal to provide info (the usual!)I have heard nothing now for two months. Can this possibly mean that they have given up? (They have not replied to my last two letters, in which I raised some very interesting points that had come to light.)

-- (, December 07, 2001


They'll be back. What interesting points?

-- Too scared to say (, December 08, 2001.

I hate to say it but they do leave gaps in this process and it is better not to be lowered in to false sense of security and then bang a letter arrives 6 months or longer later. I would be interested to know your interesting points too!



-- Simon (, December 10, 2001.

For more info, please view this site.

This is where the info below originated and other links are available.

If you are in the U.S. please view this site more info on Unfair Debt Collection Practice.

If you fall into arrears how this is dealt with will depend on the type of agreement.

Hire purchase and conditions of sale agreements If the goods were bought on hire purchase or conditions of sale (see under heading Types of credit), the credit company can repossess the goods as they remain its property until all the payments have been made. In England and Wales if you have paid over one third of the purchase price, the company will have to get a court order before it can take the goods back. In Scotland, a court order may be required at any time, though the law is unclear.

Other types of credit If goods were bought with other types of credit, they belong to the customer and the credit company cannot repossess them. If the company agrees, you can return the goods voluntarily. However, if you fall into debt, you may be taken to court to force you to pay the money you owe. Extra interest may also have to be paid on arrears.

-- Mike Jones (, March 04, 2002.

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