Interesting reading : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

One half of North London puts out a reserve side and are getting stuffed

The other half puts out its strongest side against a weekened Bolton

Needless to say the Arse will be seen to not care because they are far too good for the competition and Spurs will be simply magic and heading for Europe.

Wait and see the headlines.

-- Anonymous, December 11, 2001



(sorry about that)

-- Anonymous, December 11, 2001

Hoddle Humps Weakened Wanderers - Mail
Rovers Rout Gutless Gunners - (s)Express
Spurs Xmas Stuffing: Sam Says Sorry - Mirror
Bird With Big Tits Shags Plucky Afghan Marines - Spurt Sport
(tomorrow's headlines)
Bobby's Dazzler - Toon Turn On The Style (Mirror)
Robson Wonderland - Mags Maulling for Limp Chelsea (Sun)
Chelsea Chasing Shadows - Guardian
Bird With Big Tits Shags Bin Laden In Secret Santa Grotto - Spurt Sport

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2001

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