Nikon's SB-50 on an M6? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'm thinking of buying Nikon's SB-50 to add to my Nikon kit. Will that flash work in auto mode on my M6? Will it fire without damaging anything in it or my camera? Thanks for any answers.

-- victor (, December 12, 2001


I never had a flash on a Leica M, but a similar question came up last week, so you can see those responses below:

flash interface Nikon / Leica

-- Al Smith (, December 12, 2001.

As far as I know, the SB50 does not have an auto mode (ie its own flash sensor) and is fully TTL. This won't work with both the classic and TTL M6. I've used another Nikon flash - can't remember the number SB-24(?) or something which has an 'auto' mode on my M6 classic - and this works very well. It is much more powerful than the SF20 but the balance of flash and camera is off.

-- Gerald (, December 14, 2001.

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