Conversation Starters : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

"Jesus 12 apostles came from very different backgrounds. They included fishermen, even a tax collector. There names were: Simon Peter, James, Joh, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddeous, Simon, and Judas Iscariot"

Do you have friends of different backgrounds? What do they have in common?

It is so funny to read this question as I have sat in my Amish friends home many nights, and thought of all the things we hold deeply in common. Even though we have many differences, we hold so many of the same basic beliefs. Wanting a good life for our children, gardening, canning, cooking, seeking to do good rather than bad. Although we may certainly look different on the outside we are much the same on the inside. I value them among my close friends.

-- Melissa (, December 12, 2001


My very best close friend and I share the ability to seek joy in little things, to laugh often, play word games, analyze things deeply or just enjoy simple beauty without interpretation.

-- Rose (, December 12, 2001.

We have friends who have Indonesian parents, others are Indonesian. Another is daughter of Japanese. Another is daughter of Lebanese. Of recent Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian descent, lots. Neighbors are Peruvians, their son is good friend to our boys. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone. (Brazil is the real melting pot the U.S. never was.)

What we have in common? It's a diverse group, but the desire to live a pleasant, quiet, fulfilling life would probably be a given, as well as family values, though some have yet to figure out how to go about it.

-- Randal (, December 13, 2001.

I have older friends, younger friends, christian friends,nonchristian friends, catholic friends, black friends, white friends,Indian friends and some I am not for sure of. We all have one common thread, We all want a good life for our children, we seek peace instead of turmoil and will do what we have to do to survive. Some of use share a love of nature, getting back to the simple things, the other share a love people. We accept each other the way we are and help each other to achieve what we believe in our hearts --Harmony.God Bless

-- Micheale from SE Kansas (, December 13, 2001.

And they say Christians are intolerant.

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (, December 13, 2001.

Cindy, unfortunately I know some who are intolerant. But as you say, many, most are good people who desire the best God has to give for all.

-- Randal at home in Brazil (, December 14, 2001.

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