mailing perishable food - suggestions? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I had wanted to mail order some pierogi (Polish ravioli, for those who don't know) to my parents for Christmas eve, as Mom is getting too old to make them. I contacted the online place too late. I was considering going to my local grocery store, buying the type they like, packing it in bubble wrap and styrofoam peanuts, and mailing it two-day mail (either Fedex or UPS). Does this sound reasonable? These have cheese in them, but since it's pretty cold out, perhaps they won't spoil? Does anybody know where the packages in transit are kept overnight? Heated/unheated area?

-- Christina (, December 18, 2001


Christina - would you mind sharing your recipe? Pierogi is one of our favorite foods :-)

-- Trisha-MN (, December 18, 2001.

I've always had food like that sent in styrofoam coolers either inside a cardboard box or liberally taped up with fiberglass tape. Sometimes with a chunk of dry ice or those reusable soft ice packs. If freezing won't affect the quality of the food, that helps also. Make sure it's all wrapped up so no moisture leaks.

You could probably buy a small styrofoam cooler for under $2, a few ice packs about the same cost.

I've had frozen cooked hamburgers sent from Kansas(Salina Cozy-inn) with dry ice in a cooler a few times, never any problems 2-3 day shipping.

-- Dave (, December 18, 2001.

Is there no place where they live that you could just send them a gift certificate for it (that way they could get them fresh)? Or does your grocer ship (that way they'd be on the hook for getting them there in an edible condition)?

Or if thought (rather than on time) is more important, would they be just as surprised if they received it in time for New Year's?

-- GT (, December 18, 2001.

What a thoughtful idea! First freeze a few quarts of water in ziploc bags. Put the ice cold or frozen perogie in a ziploc bag. Pack all in a sturdy container and ship overnite.

-- Kathy (, December 18, 2001.

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