Shepherd in today's Ronnie : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Rightly praises YBR and then says that the lads are so dedicated that they aren't even having a Christmas party this year! I wonder whether they are giving pressies this year and if so whether they will get the humour right for Robert. Personally, I'd give him a "Le orn yersel Geordie" and a sunbed but God knows what the lads would give him.

Separately Shepherd gets self-righteous about the Gooners' reaction to defeat, saying that we would never behave likewise. Hmm, hope we never need to see someone like Dabs' reaction to a 3-1 home defeat reffed badly...

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2001


Wow, discipline in our players at last! Not that I dont' think they should have a Christmas party, but with our schedule this year, can't really see when they'd have time for a proper piss-up without getting in the way of their match fitness. Also noticed some of the player interviews prior to Arse which were less bragging and more about the squads self-belief. Very nice to see! If they can keep up the hard work and at least finish in the top 5, they'll certainly deserve an almighty post-season party. Or perhaps at the start of preseason for benefit of the lads off to the World Cup. ;-)

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2001

on a lighter note I read in our lercal gazette here yesterday that a former manager of ours has fined a former player of ours a weeks wages for being caught in the pub mid afternoon.....

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2001

Pleased they are not having a Christmas party after Leeds and F****r last week and the reports today about the WHam and Blackburn parties getting out of control.

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2001

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