Paper for Ansco 130. : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

The coca cola brew I mixed seems to work alright, on contact sheets anyway. But reading around more tells me its not meant to look like that, fresh. I'm going back to the supplier to suss out a fresh supply and when successful will be wanting to use a paper that is more suitable to the formula than others so I'm looking for any suggestions. Thanks, Patrick.

-- Patrick Doyle (, December 20, 2001


Agfa Multicontrast works well. Ilford Warmtone is very pretty.

-- Welihmn (, December 20, 2001.

I like warm papers with Ansco 130. Agfa Portriga and Ilford Warm Tone are very nice. I tone them in selenium at 1+15. If you are interested in a neutral paper, Ilfobrom Galerie gives a lovely neutral color with fresh Ansco 130, which can be enhanced with a bath in selenium toner at a 1+4 dilution.

-- Ed Buffaloe (, December 21, 2001.

Interesting feedback. We just finished a class for my advanced people that took several types of paper and a variety of developers, making the same print on each and then comparing results. No one like the Ansoco 130 with any of the Cholridebromide papers. Perphaps it was uneven agiation, but whatever; the results with the bromide paper was great. Once again, it is made very clear how important it is for all of us to test and decide "what is the desired" outcome.

-- Ann C lancy (, December 21, 2001.

I normally use Oriental Seagull and now and then Bergger Fine Art Warm Tone. Both give me great results.

The advice above is best -- experiment and use what works best for you.

-- David Parmet (, December 21, 2001.

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