Christmas Presents years ago. [Preachin a mite] : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Well-this is the BIG day for little dudes and dudettes! After a short night of little sleep these little guys will be up and about early this morning. I don't know if they even sell firetrucks, police cars etc like they did years ago but doubt it. If they do there would be two things that'd be most obvious. First-they most probably would be made out of plastic and if they weren't the cost would be entirely too high for most workin folks.

I also wonder just how many Red Ryder BB guns are sold each Christmas. Hunting knives, heavy fishing cord [stagen] was always on our "want list" for Christmas. Heck, we wanted that stuff all the time. Made for good fishin bank/trot lines as well as for bow-strings, snares and lacing up leather things we'd make. I think the "ball" of it was about 200 feet and cost about .50 cents.

Lil Dumplin bought me a present that "took me back" about 50 years and then she let me open it last evening. I'd been lookin at those little walk-talks on the Family Freq. I have an awful hard time keepin track of'r when she's shoppin. It's a lot of walkin and lookin to find'r when I get delayed or something and lose track of'r. Well anyhow-she bought us a pair of those little dudes. It was like goin back to my childhood last nite--goin from room to room and callin each other. They sure will come in handy not only when shoppin but also when travelin in different vehicles. A whole lot cheaper than callin each other on cell phones!!

While my precious lil dumplin is still snoozin-I'm gettin ready for the "rassllin" to begin in about 3 or 4 hours. Steve, our llittle grandson, will be here and we "reassle" quite a lot. WEll--until I get tired that is. After about 2 minutes this old fat man is plum worn out and then Bryan has to take over. Marty is always waitin in the wings to take over while us others rest up a mite. I doubt Marty will wanna rassle this time. He's still healin up from the surgery last Thursday that almost claimed his life.

Two HUGE beef rump roasts [cooked Texas style by Lil Dumplin an ex-Texan] with carrots, taters, onions. Pecan pie, sweet tater pie, rolls, choc fudge, cookies and I don't know what all else. I only got as far as the fudge!! "You've been in the fudge haven't you? I see crumbs all over the bar"! "Well-I was just testing it for Maddie, big gurl, and Steve!"

Ya'll enjoy the fellowship and grub today. Also remember Whose Birthday we're celebrating! Thank you Jesus for coming to save lost sinners, who I was chief IMHO! old hoot. Matt.24:44

-- old hoot gibson (, December 25, 2001


Bless you, Hoot, and Merry Christmas!

-- Rose (, December 25, 2001.

Merry Christmas, Hoot! Oh yes, they still make firetrucks and fun "boy" stuff. After three granddaughters, we certainly enjoy buying for our grandson. He's all boy and we enjoy the dump trucks, tow trucks and dinosaurs.

I hope Santa was good to you and yours.

-- Ardie/Wi (, December 25, 2001.

Merry Christmas Hoot! from Louisiana.

-- JERRY TRAVIS (, December 25, 2001.

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