vcd : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

can any one tell me how to convert my cd palyer (SONY LBTV302)to view video cd's

-- gerard (, January 02, 2002


You can't. Sony DVD players, at least the ones sold in the United States, typically are of two types: 1) Models that support VCD and SVCD format and officially don't support CD-R. However, CD-RW discs usually work and Prime Peripherals brand CD-Rs do work. This machine only has one laser beam which is why officially it doesn't support CD-R/W discs, but the beam has a fairly wide tolerance and will play the discs I mentioned earlier. It's a reflectivity issue and a single laser typically can't play CD-R/W discs because the reflectivity of these discs differs from commercial VCDs, DVDs and audio CDs. 2) Models that do support CD-R fine, but don't play SVCD at all on any type of disc. If you're not into SVCD, this may not be a big deal for you. My brother has a DVD player of type #1 and I can personally verify that Prime Peripherals brand CD-R discs work in these players. You might check to see what the DVD player compatibility list says about your player and CD-R/W support.

-- Jason (, January 02, 2002.

Try looking at

-- Lee Jones (, January 03, 2002.

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