Sydney Mags...everything OK with you? : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread


-- Anonymous, January 03, 2002


All Present.....and correct?

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2002

I watched the game this morning with Sting, Tynedale Man, Muzzainoz and Nick Raphael and can confirm that we're alive and well. I think most of the lads access the internet from work so have been a bit on the quiet side over the holiday period. I'll be offline for a couple of weeks from Sunday (going on holiday) but I would guess normal service will be resumed by the gobby buggers pretty soon. Either that or they've run out of things to say, which knowing them seems unlikely...... Anyway, cheers for asking - nice to know we're missed when we're quiet!!!

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2002

I wondered if you had all been smoked out

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2002

OK - that`s good! (:o)

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2002

Im afraid to say Im alive and kicking ;-) Bit gutted about the result yesterday morning ( we get the evening games here live at 7am ). Kind of ruined me day. Otherwise the christmas and new year has been magic . Spent xmas day on Bondi beach with the masses of Europeans watching the plumes of yellow smoke cover the sky. It was very surreal. Had a BBQ later in the day on wor verandah and ash started to fall out of the sky, followed by hundreds of fire flies landing everywhere. Didnt really clear up for a few days , and even though theres been 35-40 degree heat, the sun was a bit subdued by the haze across the city. Still managed to get a tan mind ! NYE spent on a yacht in the harbour watching the fireworks with friends .. Tynedale man , Lady Tynedale and Muzzainoz were in attendance along with a few aussies and pommie friends of mine. Absolutely magic experience. If I telt yer that we finished the night doing naked shopping trolley racing up Bondi Road youd prolly get the idea ! The bushfires are still burning but looking out of me 27th floor windows overlooking the harbour , at least I can see the other side of the bridge today. Things are clearing up. Thanks for the concern, my Mam has been panicked by the ' Sydney Ring of fire' headlines in the UK press. Actually that headline wasnt too far from the truth when I woke up on New Years Day .... errrr coat please doorman ;-)

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2002

Still recovering from a binge drinking trip to Melbourne with Dodgey Knee.

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2002

well, i did wonder when Andy used the word 'alive' when referring to you Nick me old pal....


-- Anonymous, January 04, 2002

Ooooh! The thought of naked trolley races and bush fires brings tears to my eyes ;-)

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2002

i think LT arrives today..

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2002

Blimey I didn't think we were that interesting, I get Sue's mam on the phoine once a week about the fires, had to tell her that if she was in Hexham and there was a fire in Carlise would she feel it a threat??? As for the shopping trolley's, I think such disraceful behaviour is appalling, I mean fancy not returning your trolley??;-)

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2002

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