any goat milk for sale in So. Maine? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am interested in buying goat milk, but the local stores only have it condensed in cans. I would like fresh milk, anyone from So. Maine selling goat milk? Willing to barter as well.

-- Sandie in Maine (, January 03, 2002


There is a goat farm in Raymond, ME that sells goat milk. Not sure of the name. Also I have seen goat milk for sale at Hannaford's store in North Portland.


-- Irene Burt (, January 03, 2002.

I know of one goat breeder in Saco maine, Chateau Briant, they breed top Alpines and Nubians, they might ahve milk, e-mail me privately for their addy or look up Chateau Briant Alpines in a search. Hope this helps.


-- Bernice (, January 03, 2002.

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