Listing of Reality Therapists and : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
I have just created a web site for my mum, Lucy Scott, and her business partner Rolf Ahrens. They are certified reality therapists and trainers in Vancouver, BC, Canada. ( was wondering if anyone knew of a listing or index of reality therapists where I could submit the web site for inclusion? ie., if someone was looking for a reality therapist, or for training to be a reality therapist, where would they look online? My logic is, if I could figure that out, then I'd know where to send the information about the site.
Any info or suggestions would be much appreciated,
Thanks and Happy New Year,
Rebecca Scott
-- Rebecca Scott (, January 07, 2002
Hello, My answer may be one year or more later, but please visit, This site provides a listing of instructors across Canada. Thank -you Rebecca
-- Maureen McIntosh (, July 07, 2003.