A New Book for a New Year

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

While reading the online version of the NY Times this morning I came across a fascinating new book which chronicles the life of an early adventurer of the Congo He was a black American male named William Sheppard. You can read the review at the following link http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/08/books/08SMIT.html If this book is ever made into a motion picture I might consider coming out of acting retirement to play Mr. Sheppard. QED

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2002


Hi Bill, When I was a graduate student at Hampton University, I recall seeing a display in the museum on campus about one of Hampton's most famous alumni named Dr. William Sheppard who worked as a missionary in Africa during the later 1800's or early 1900's. I wonder if the William Sheppard in your book is one of Hampton Universities most famous alumni.


-- Anonymous, January 08, 2002

The William Sheppard in New York times is the same William Sheppard of Hampton University. He came out of that University with a first class honors. Is it not wonderful that even though some people for whatever reason they may have decided to leave Sheppard out of the American History but today, by the grace of God, the great man's life is being uncovered. He is a challenge to the new generation that despite the color of your skin and the other disadvantages one may suffer, we can truly be used of God to the advantage of all.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003

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